External 4-16-2012


ATTENDANCE: Stang, Thomas, Dobryznski, Connolly, Pickard, Hutchins, Lanoie

Absences: Brehio (unexcused)


Chair’s e-mail: uri.external@gmail.com

  • Off-Campus Leases
  • We have many leases (Anne O’Brien, Durkin Cottages, Narragansett Property Management, Lila Delman, North Village Condos, 2 Private)
  • Committee will highlight and review leases next week.
  • Legislative Letters
  • Reviewed sample articles to legislators.

“Deflate the Rate” articles

There’s a trend of cutting interest rates

Stewart’s sample letter to Senators. Committee reviewed the sample letter during meeting. Looking at format.

Thoughts: How are we going to pay off interest when it’s so hard to get a job? Long-Term effects? Student debts are really bad. It’s hard enough to afford tuition as it is.

Senator Reid is on board. We will look for quotes from him.

We should use statistics in our letter. (Not just opinionated). Perhaps we can connect them [Senators] to the problem through the statistics. Survey Statistics.

Republicans are blocking it in Senate

  • Committee will write letter to every senator in America to persuade not to increase interest rates on student loans.
  • Lanoie will contact Economics professor on matter to figure out why this increase is happening and what are the causes.
  • Unsubsidized loans vs. subsidized loans
  • Committee Homework:
  • All senators- Draft 1 paragraph to Senator
  • Find quote from Senator Reid.
  • Act expiring: College Reduction Act- Lanoie will write about.
  • Student debt crisis- Hutchins
  • Opening paragraph, Relating senators to us- Stang
  • Next Week: MEETING AT 5:00pm.