External 9-9-2013

Meeting Start Time: 2:11pm

Attendance: Jacob Lanoie, Lucy Gildein, Kathleen Uy, Rebecca Allamey, Nicholas Hetland


Fall Carnival

  • -Date planned is October 16th 11-4pm
  • -We can have it on the quad or the union- the consensus everyone wants the quad
  • -Drawing-Mews, Belmont, Phils, Brickleys, Charlie O’s
  • -Need as much help as possible at least one or two people at a booth
  • -Created letters for realtors and vendors to donate towards our carnival and advertise to students
  • -External Meeting September 23rd meeting will start later
  • -Review of the items at the carnival
  • -Promotional items- quote was sent out, waiting to hear back
  • -During the carnival marketing, drawing tickets, fill out finance forms, anyone can attend the finance meeting

Personal Jobs

  • -Kathleen is doing marketing, advertisements, flyers, promotional items, and pictures at events
  • -Jake needs to email Sherri Davis

Jake will send out documents, pricing, excel spreadsheets with all carnival info to committee members this week

Ball park cost of carnival $12,500 + promotional items = $15,000

  • -Request to change committee time permanently


  • -Jake really wants to do a lot of volunteer activities in the community and South County. Mostly weekend projects. They are not mandatory but an opportunity to do your office hour and meet people on senate.
  • -Probably will have an event where we give out free coffee


Meeting Adjournment Time: 2:51pm