Present: Cortez, Duffy, Akinjisola, Kidd, Jones, Rossi, Glass
Absent: Walker (late), Brommell (late)
Time started: 3:07pm
- November 15th going to Cape Verdean Museum in East PRovidence. To inform our members about the CV culture. Asking for transportation money $415 from First Student. We will be paying for half the cost which would be $208 in Line 700 for travel.
- Recommendation: 7-0-0
- Club Tennis
○ Asking for funds to be put in their account for 10 jump ropes, 3 medicine balls, ball carts, ball hoppers, and other things to use while other people practice. Asking for $343.54 in total for capital improvement
○ Has a lot of members so scheduling people to use the court at different times and then other people can do drills at the meantime.
○ Recommendation: 7-0-0
○ November is the 30th anniversary of a carnival. We wanted to have a mini carnival here at URI. First there would be a pool party which is $250 to rent Totell and a DJ is $100. The total is $350. It is Wednesday November 19th. We expect 75-100 URI students
○ Recommendation: 6-0-0
○ Second event will be part two. It will be a Union party the following Saturday on November 22nd. We are getting Haitian dancers to come perform.
○ Has two DJs for $300 for two hours each.
○ Want students to celebrate the music of the caribbean culture.
○ This will be a free events to URI students
○ Recommendation: 6-0-0
- Uhuru SASA
○ Special Events team has come up with this draft of the event. Asking money for Kwanza Ball. Based on last year’s budget there are a couple of things I want to change.
○ Wanted to know recommendation to see what to change on their grant request
○ Trying to set in stone two events, Night of Traditions for this semester and the Powow for next semester
○ Bringing tribal leaders from the East coast and different dancers and performers. Trying to throw the event on December 2nd in the MCC
○ Expecting around 75 students
○ Most of the money we are asking for is for traditional and tribal blankets that are essential to the event
○ The total is $1494
- Committee Discussion
○ In the future, EMA will be coming back since they doesn’t have enough money for the new computer so they will be coming back
○ Also, IFC and PanHell will be coming to review their money for stipends for this upcoming semester
○ Research how much music arrangements cost
○ Acapella
○ Decided to void the past bill and put a new bill to the floor to cover the computer since EMA doesn’t have enough funds