Finance 2-23-2015

Present: Anderson, Duffy, Cortez, Walker, Cortez, Akinjisola, Rossi, Jones, Phylis, Glass

Time started: 4:00PM

Finance Minutes

Photography Club

  • Photography club is asking for photography equipment
  • This includes cameras, lenses, tripods, SD cards, white backdrop. This is a total of $2515
  • These aren’t the newest cameras but they take good professional cameras
  • You can pay to extend the warranties but they all come with a 1 year warranty
  • The total is approved 5-0-0

Pilot ad AeroSpace Organization

  • Asking around $7500 for pilots license, rental fees, equipment, books and operational cost of the group
  • Asking money in 5 lines- cost of instructor, cost of pre-instructor, 3 classes. Rental cost and this includes the insurance and the fuel, the FAA textbook. This is all price for 10 students. Simulator instructor and use.
  • Met with risk management and SOARC
  • Members are now paying $34 a person. This is a reduced cost for instruction and 6 month membership for flight training magazine
  • The training is 3 hours at the minimum for a student to do
  • Committee suggest that they come back with new quotes with things that are absolutely necessary since it’s such a high cost

Sailing Club

  • Asking around $13,000 for wet suits so members can use the boats in the winter. They are special wet suit that is water resistant
  • Committee suggest the club seek other sources, cut the cost and possibly talk to exec so Student Senate can consider it as a capital improvement plan


  • Asking $500 for additional material for their annual hairshow
  • This year’s venue is Edwards so HRT Treehouse doubled its price from last year
  • Committee votes on giving the group an additional $3000 for the group. Vote 5-0-0


  • Meeting on Wednesday before our senate meeting
  • Final recommendation for budgets is due on Friday