START TIME: 2:12 pm
ATTENDANCE: Sit (taking minutes), Walker, Buyesse, Cortez
ABSENCES: Excused: | Unexcused:
- Finance Committee is meeting in the cubicle offices in Union 128 because the usual room 314 is being used by the Latino Students Conference
- Student Action for Sustainability
- Movie for the week of Earth Day on the Quad
- SEC already rented a screen for a movie on Tuesday
- SAS + SEC = Double Feature
- Lorax because it has environmental message
o $24 for shipping
o $350 for licensing the movie
- SEC is going to handle advertising
Approved $374 to line 130: 2-0-0
- Capital Improvements
- New Gloves
- Most of the members use Gloves
- Every single practice and meet
- 24 gloves
- 10 are filled with holes and broken
- Last for 3+ years
- Weapons Foil
- Currently we have 6 foil wielders but only 2 club owned foils
- Provides students the opportunity to experience fencing
- Lasts 6+ years because they have modular components that can be individually fixed
- Body cords
- Electric conductors for the electronic fencing system
- Can be used for Back up and tournament gear
- Currently only have 2 cords
- 3+ Years
- The tin contacts are the points of failure otherwise, can last a while
- Anticipated Increased in participation
Approved $427 to line 400: 2-0-0
- The people originally hosting could not host because of exam scheduling
- Looking for Jen Kwok
- Ukelele Player
- Featured in “Eat Pray Love”
- NBC – Stand Up for Diversity
- Found her at ECAASU
- Fung Brothers
- $4500
- Gi Yamakawaza
- $2500
- Won the National Poetry Slam
- MCC Funding is very difficult to obtain
- MCC kept pushing everything
- Culture show will cost overall $4000 + $300 = $4300.00
- Hard time to find someone able to be a good speaker on short notice
- This is the cheapest host
- Will come back next week with other options under $1000
- That way it can be passed through committee
- Next Friday Meeting (unless committee meets earlier)
The current hoops
- Prone to breakage
- Handmade
- The PVC attachments get stuck and break frequently
- Repairs with PVC glue only last for one practice
- Current bases are made with PVC but take longer to put together
New Hoops
- IQA uses Peterson’s Brooms’ Hoops
- Bases are wooden platforms
- These new hoops are only missing PVC pipes to connect to the hoops
- 6 base + Hoop Together costs $250
- Allows URI to host tournaments in the future
- How Long do the new ones last?
- Pretty sturdy
- Built so that if a player runs into the hoops, the shaft will come out of the base instead of breaking
- Expected to last 3-4 years
- Aside from Peterson’s
- DIY hoop kits
- Like current hoops
The Sport is run in big tournaments rather than individual games
Approved – $250 for line 400
CV Night went very well
Encouraging students to do the CV study Abroad
- 2 DJs – $700 each
- DJ Easy
- Has done multiple sets on campus before
- Coming with RoundTable
- DJ International
- Rapper and CVSA Alumnus Cameron Benton is willing to come for free if DJ Nasty gets paid
- Wanted to make it a free event
- Wanted to accept donations and give them to the Cape Verde Study Abroad program
- No other DJ options that can provide:
- Roundtable
- Cameron Benton
Planned for Thursday April 24th
- 9pm-1am Party
- DJs get up to $350 for a 4 hour set if they are bringing their own equipment
- RoundTable – Flier printing ($150)
Potential conflicts of interest:
- President of CVSA is in Round Table
- Cameron Benton is a CVSA alumnus getting paid through DJ International Nasty
Tabled until next week with revised quotes
- 3 papers in the folder
- One for every incoming student
- Have the advisors give it to the students
- Draft Finance Handbook on the floor at the last meeting
- Full Finalized one due before the ReRec
Divvy up the groups at the beginning of the year
- Provide a financial counselor
- SOARC should also do the same
Meeting Minutes
- Zulmy is nominated as Finance Secretary
5K – Rhody Run
- Paying $350 for the person that set up the Rhody Run 5K
- Already done, just waiting for payment
- Amanda Rode could not be here to represent because she is sick
We’ve already talked about this
Approved $350 to Line 400: 2-0-0
Party at the Beginning of the Year
- Adrenaline Rush Obstacle Course – $850
- Laser Domination – $1950 (16 players)
- laser tag but less cool
- Wrecking Ball – $700
- Total: $3500
- Tabled until next week
- Amanda will return to talk about it to Finance on Monday at 2pm
Senate Cosponsoring Richard Wolff
- $500 to Honors Program
- Approved $500 from Senate Cosponsorship to Economics Department 2-0-0
Senate Cosponsoring Block Party
- $2800 to Memorial Union Board of Directors to cover some expenses