SOARC 10-6-2014

Meeting Start Time: 3:15pm

Attendance: Amanda Rode, Amanda Stikeman, Nina, Maggie Oliver, Brianna Montecalvo, Brian Sit, Nick Medley, Dan Bertel, Cody Anderson


  • DRIVE, a student based organization, which stands for Diversifying Recruiting Inspiring Volunteering and Educating. Their mission is to help visit middle school students and encourage them to attend a higher education institution. One of their major events is that visiting middle school students and having them shadow a current college student to get them excited about their own education. They currently have 15+ members, and their elections met the current Senate standards. They meet on Wednesdays at Rm 313. Chairwoman Rode moved to recognize DRIVE as an unfunded organization, seconded by Senator Bertel [8-0-0].
  • SNIC, a student based organization, which stands for Student Nonviolence Involvement Correlation. Their aim is to help promote awareness and focus heavily on volunteering and service activities. Their elections process met Senates current standards for elections, and currently has a little over ten members. They would like to help see Senate help fund, and co-sponsor events. Chairwoman Rode moved to recognize SNIC as a funded organization with a recommendation by contingency seconded by Senator Bertel. [8-0-0].
  • NAACP, is a national organization, which stands for National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, students are looking to bring a chapter of the group onto campus. They currently do not meet the current Student Senate elections standards. They look to put on activities that support the advancement and awareness of various cultures.
  • The committee then began to organize the list of organizations for re-rec process. There’s an excel sheet featuring all the organizations, the number of members they have, their meeting time and place, and lastly their mission statements. The committee is to look over this list before going into re-recognition before next week.
  • 4:47pm meeting is adjourned.