Committee: Sam King, Eric Wang, Dan Bertel, Austin Cordova, Romanuel Percy, Michael Bachials, Dan Depetro, Jen Scotti
Absent: Natasha Nemeth, Austin Faria
- Club Name
- Who attended: President, Vice-president
- Meeting time and place: Browning Hall basement lounge. Once every two weeks.
- Members –22
- Elections held to our standards: yes
- Purpose: Have people get educated in the field of herpetology (lizards and other reptiles). To have intelligent discussion in fields of research and studies being done. Discuss different research opportunities.
- Goals: go on field trips to area in Rhode Island to have a look at the animals in the area. Bring live specimens back to let members of the club have a hands on experience with the animals.
- Vote ( 7 – 0 – 1 )
- Need to attend senate meeting on __November 30,2016______
- Re-recognition
- Finished reviewing groups
Group | Category | Status Recommendation | Rec Count |
Alima International Dance Association | Other | Funded | (10-0-0) |
Alpine Racing Team | Athletic | Funded | (10-0-0) |
American Sign Language Club, URI | Cultural | Funded | (9-0-0) |
Anime Club | Social | Funded | (9-0-0) |
Art Club | Creative | Funded | (10-0-0) |
Asian Student Association | Cultural | Funded | (10-0-0) |
Ballroom Dancing Club | Creative | Funded | (10-0-0) |
Best Buddies | Other | Funded | (10-0-0) |
BOND-Brothers On a New Direction | Community Service | Affiliate Unfunded | (8-2-0) |
Cape Verdean Student Association | Cultural | Funded | (9-0-1) |
URI Capoeira Club | Cultural | Funded | (10-0-0) |
Chess Club | Social | Funded | (10-0-0) |
College Democrats | Political | Unfunded- Political | (10-0-0) |
Colleges Against Cancer | Community Service | Unfunded- Philanthropic | (10-0-0) |
Cricket Club, URI | Athletic | Funded | (10-0-0) |
Climbing Team | Athletic | Funded | (10-0-0) |
CSIC Club Sports & Intramurals | Athletic | Funded | (10-0-0) |
Cycling Club | Athletic | Funded | (10-0-0) |
D.R.I.V.E. | Outreach | Unfunded | (10-0-0) |
Dance Company | Social | Funded | (10-0-0) |
Debate Union | Academic | Unfunded | (10-0-0) |
Doc Opp | Academic | Unfunded | (10-0-0) |
Dressage Team | Athletic | Funded | (10-0-0) |
Eating Concerns Advisors, (UReca!) | Academic | Unfunded | (9-0-0) |
Electronic Music Association | Creative | Funded | (10-0-0) |
eXposure | Cultural | Funded | (9-0-0) |
Family Reach | Community Service | Unfunded | (10-0-0) |
Fashion Blogging Club | Creative | Funded | (9-0-1) |
Fashion Merchandising Society | Creative | Funded | (5-3-1) |
Fencing Club | Athletic | Funded | (10-0-0) |
Film Collaborative, URI | Academic | Unfunded | (10-0-0) |
Gaming Club | Just for Fun | Funded | (10-0-0) |
Gay-Straight Alliance (The Sexuality and Gender Alliance) | Social | Funded | (8-1-0) |
Geology Club | Academic | Unfunded | (10-0-0) |
Paranormal Society | Just for Fun | Funded | (10-0-0) |
Good 5 Cent Cigar | Creative | Funded | (10-0-0) |
Habitat for Humanity | Commntiy Service | Unfunded | (9-0-0) |
Honduras Supporters | Community Service | Unfunded | (8-0-1) |
Hillel | Cultural | Funded – by contigency | (10-0-0) |
Humans vs. Zombies | Just for fun | Funded | (9-0-0) |
Interfraternity Council | Social/community service | Affiliate funded | (8-0-2) |
Intervarsity Christian Fellowship | Religious | Unfunded – religious | (9-0-0) |
LASA (Latin American Student Association) | Cultural | Funded | (10-0-0) |
League of Legends | Just for fun | Funded | (9-0-0) |
Marine Science Society | Academic | Unfunded | (9-0-0) |
Multicultural Unity and Student Involvement Council (MUSIC) | Outreach/cultural | Affiliate funded | (9-0-1) |
Musically Inclined | Academic | Unfunded | (5-4-0) |
Musicians Guild | Creative | Funded | (10-0-0) |
Muslim Students Association | Religious | Unfunded | (10-0-0) |
NAACP | Other | Funded – on probation | (9-0-0) |
NAMI on Campus | Out reach | Funded | (10-0-0) |
Native American Students Organization | Cultural | Funded | (10-0-0) |
Nutrition Club | Academic | Unfunded | (10-0-0) |
Orthodox Christian Fellowship | Religious | Unfunded | (10-0-0) |
Outing Club | Just for fun | Funded | (9-0-0) |
Paideia Society, URI | Cultural | Funded | (10-0-0) |
Panhellenic Council | Community service | Affiliate funded | (10-0-0) |
Photography Club | Creative | Funded | (8-0-0) |
PINK-Powerful Independent Notoriously Knowledgeable Women | Other-Empowerment | Affiliate funded | (8-0-0) |
Powerlifting, URI | Athletic | Funded | (8-0-0) |
Pre-Physcians Assistant Club, URI | Academic | Unfunded | (8-0-0) |
Pre-Physical Therapy Club | Academic | Unfunded | (8-0-0) |
PRSSa (Public Relations Students Society of America) | Academic | Unfunded | (8-0-0) |
Psychology Club | Academic | Unfunded | (9-0-0) |
Puppy Raisers | Community Service | Unfunded | (8-0-0) |
Quidditch Club | Athletic | Funded | (9-0-0) |
Ram Hacks | Academic | Unfunded | (9-0-0) |
Renaissance Yearbook | Record keeping | Funded | (8-0-0) |
Rhody Christian Fellowship | Religious | Unfunded | (9-0-0) |
Rhody Rhapsodies | Musical | Funded Affiliate | (8-0-0) |
Rhody Rides | Social | Funded | (7-0-0) |
Rhody Ruckus | Special Interest | Unfunded – Works directly with and supports the Ryan Center/Marketing Department | (7-0-1) |
Rocketry Club | Recreational | Funded | (8-0-0) |
Rotaract Club, URI | Community Service | Unfunded-Philanthropic | (8-0-0) |
Running Club | Athletic | Funded | (8-0-0) |
SAA Student Alumni Association | Outreach | Unfunded | (8-0-0) |
SAAC (Student Athletic Advisory Council) | Athletic | Unfunded | (8-0-0) |
SAGE, URI | Cultural | Funded | (6-2-0) |
Sailing Club | Just for fun | Unfunded | (7-0-1) |
Sankofa Christian Ministry | Relgious | Unfunded | (8-0-0) |
SAS (Student Action for Sustainability) | Academic | Unfunded | (7-1-0) |
SAWA (Student Alliance for the Welfare of Africa) | Cultural | Funded | (8-0-0) |
Scuba Club | Recreational | Funded | (8-0-0) |
SEC (Student Entertainment Committee) | Campus Entertainment | Funded | (7-0-1) |
Secular URI | Just for fun | Funded | (8-0-0) |
Seekers Meditation | Social | Funded | (8-0-0) |
Slam Poetry Club | Creative | Funded | (8-0-0) |
Slow Food URI | Out-reach | Funded | (8-0-0) |
SNIC (Student Nonviolence Involvement Coalition) | Academic | Unfunded | (8-0-0) |
SOLC (Student Organization Leadership Consultants) | Outreach | Unfunded | (7-1-0) |
Society of Wetland Scientist | Academic | Unfunded | (8-0-0) |
Sports Medicine Club | Academic | Unfunded | (8-0-0) |
SSDP (Students for a Sensible Drug Policy) | Political | Unfunded | (8-0-0) |
Strike a Chord | Community Service | Unfunded – Philanthropic | (8-0-0) |
Student Senate | Other/Leadership | Funded | (6-0-1) |
Student Veterans Organization | Outreach | Funded | (7-0-0) |
Surf Club | Just for fun | funded | (8-0-0) |
Talent Development Student Board | Academic | Unfunded | (6-0-1) |
Thrive | Creative | Funded | (6-0-1) |
Uhuru SaSa | Cultural | Funded | (7-0-0) |
URI SAVES (Students Actively Volunteering Engaging in Service) | Community Service | Unfunded | (7-0-0) |
Wildlife Society | Special Interest | Funded | (7-0-0) |
WOWW-We’re Offering Women Wisdom | Other-Mentoring | Funded-Affiliate | (7-0-0) |
WRIU Radio | Just for fun | Funded | (6-0-1) |
- Stipend Review
- Starting Soon