SOARC 11-14-16



Committee: Sam King, Eric Wang, Dan Bertel, Austin Cordova, Romanuel Percy, Michael Bachials, Dan Depetro, Jen Scotti

Absent:  Natasha Nemeth, Austin Faria



  1. Club Name
    1. Who attended: President, Vice-president
    2. Meeting time and place: Browning Hall basement lounge. Once every two weeks.
    3. Members –22
    4. Elections held to our standards: yes
    5. Purpose: Have people get educated in the field of herpetology (lizards and other reptiles). To have intelligent discussion in fields of research and studies being done. Discuss different research opportunities.
    6. Goals: go on field trips to area in Rhode Island to have a look at the animals in the area. Bring live specimens back to let members of the club have a hands on experience with the animals.
      1. Vote ( 7 – 0 – 1  )
      2. Need to attend senate meeting on __November 30,2016______
  • Re-recognition
    • Finished reviewing groups


Group Category Status Recommendation Rec Count
Alima International Dance Association Other Funded (10-0-0)
Alpine Racing Team Athletic Funded (10-0-0)
American Sign Language Club, URI Cultural Funded (9-0-0)
Anime Club Social Funded (9-0-0)
Art Club Creative Funded (10-0-0)
Asian Student Association Cultural Funded (10-0-0)
Ballroom Dancing Club Creative Funded (10-0-0)
Best Buddies Other Funded (10-0-0)
BOND-Brothers On a New Direction Community Service Affiliate Unfunded (8-2-0)
Cape Verdean Student Association Cultural Funded (9-0-1)
URI Capoeira Club Cultural Funded (10-0-0)
Chess Club Social Funded (10-0-0)
College Democrats Political Unfunded- Political (10-0-0)
Colleges Against Cancer Community Service Unfunded- Philanthropic (10-0-0)
Cricket Club, URI Athletic Funded (10-0-0)
Climbing Team Athletic Funded (10-0-0)
CSIC Club Sports & Intramurals Athletic Funded (10-0-0)
Cycling Club Athletic Funded (10-0-0)
D.R.I.V.E. Outreach Unfunded (10-0-0)
Dance Company Social Funded (10-0-0)
Debate Union Academic Unfunded (10-0-0)
Doc Opp Academic Unfunded (10-0-0)
Dressage Team Athletic Funded (10-0-0)
Eating Concerns Advisors, (UReca!) Academic Unfunded (9-0-0)
Electronic Music Association Creative Funded (10-0-0)
eXposure Cultural Funded (9-0-0)
Family Reach Community Service Unfunded (10-0-0)
Fashion Blogging Club Creative Funded (9-0-1)
Fashion Merchandising Society Creative Funded (5-3-1)
Fencing Club Athletic Funded (10-0-0)
Film Collaborative, URI Academic Unfunded (10-0-0)
Gaming Club Just for Fun Funded (10-0-0)
Gay-Straight Alliance (The Sexuality and Gender Alliance) Social Funded (8-1-0)
Geology Club Academic Unfunded (10-0-0)
Paranormal Society Just for Fun Funded (10-0-0)
Good 5 Cent Cigar Creative Funded (10-0-0)
Habitat for Humanity Commntiy Service Unfunded (9-0-0)
Honduras Supporters Community Service Unfunded (8-0-1)
Hillel Cultural Funded – by contigency (10-0-0)
Humans vs. Zombies Just for fun Funded (9-0-0)
Interfraternity Council Social/community service Affiliate funded (8-0-2)
Intervarsity Christian Fellowship Religious Unfunded – religious (9-0-0)
LASA (Latin American Student Association) Cultural Funded (10-0-0)
League of Legends Just for fun Funded (9-0-0)
Marine Science Society Academic Unfunded (9-0-0)
Multicultural Unity and Student Involvement Council (MUSIC) Outreach/cultural Affiliate funded (9-0-1)
Musically Inclined Academic Unfunded (5-4-0)
Musicians Guild Creative Funded (10-0-0)
Muslim Students Association Religious Unfunded (10-0-0)
NAACP Other Funded – on probation (9-0-0)
NAMI on Campus Out reach Funded (10-0-0)
Native American Students Organization Cultural Funded (10-0-0)
Nutrition Club Academic Unfunded (10-0-0)
Orthodox Christian Fellowship Religious Unfunded (10-0-0)
Outing Club Just for fun Funded (9-0-0)
Paideia Society, URI Cultural Funded (10-0-0)
Panhellenic Council Community service Affiliate funded (10-0-0)
Photography Club Creative Funded (8-0-0)
PINK-Powerful Independent Notoriously Knowledgeable Women Other-Empowerment Affiliate funded (8-0-0)
Powerlifting, URI Athletic Funded (8-0-0)
Pre-Physcians Assistant Club, URI Academic Unfunded (8-0-0)
Pre-Physical Therapy Club Academic Unfunded (8-0-0)
PRSSa (Public Relations Students Society of America) Academic Unfunded (8-0-0)
Psychology Club Academic Unfunded (9-0-0)
Puppy Raisers Community Service Unfunded (8-0-0)
Quidditch Club Athletic Funded (9-0-0)
Ram Hacks Academic Unfunded (9-0-0)
Renaissance Yearbook Record keeping Funded (8-0-0)
Rhody Christian Fellowship Religious Unfunded (9-0-0)
Rhody Rhapsodies Musical Funded Affiliate (8-0-0)
Rhody Rides Social Funded (7-0-0)
Rhody Ruckus Special Interest Unfunded – Works directly with and supports the Ryan Center/Marketing Department (7-0-1)
Rocketry Club Recreational Funded (8-0-0)
Rotaract Club, URI Community Service Unfunded-Philanthropic (8-0-0)
Running Club Athletic Funded (8-0-0)
SAA Student Alumni Association Outreach Unfunded (8-0-0)
SAAC (Student Athletic Advisory Council) Athletic Unfunded (8-0-0)
SAGE, URI Cultural Funded (6-2-0)
Sailing Club Just for fun Unfunded (7-0-1)
Sankofa Christian Ministry Relgious Unfunded (8-0-0)
SAS (Student Action for Sustainability) Academic Unfunded (7-1-0)
SAWA (Student Alliance for the Welfare of Africa) Cultural Funded (8-0-0)
Scuba Club Recreational Funded (8-0-0)
SEC (Student Entertainment Committee) Campus Entertainment Funded (7-0-1)
Secular URI Just for fun Funded (8-0-0)
Seekers Meditation Social Funded (8-0-0)
Slam Poetry Club Creative Funded (8-0-0)
Slow Food URI Out-reach Funded (8-0-0)
SNIC (Student Nonviolence Involvement Coalition) Academic Unfunded (8-0-0)
SOLC (Student Organization Leadership Consultants) Outreach Unfunded (7-1-0)
Society of Wetland Scientist Academic Unfunded (8-0-0)
Sports Medicine Club Academic Unfunded (8-0-0)
SSDP (Students for a Sensible Drug Policy) Political Unfunded (8-0-0)
Strike a Chord Community Service Unfunded – Philanthropic (8-0-0)
Student Senate Other/Leadership Funded (6-0-1)
Student Veterans Organization Outreach Funded (7-0-0)
Surf Club Just for fun funded (8-0-0)
Talent Development Student Board Academic Unfunded (6-0-1)
Thrive Creative Funded (6-0-1)
Uhuru SaSa Cultural Funded (7-0-0)
URI SAVES (Students Actively Volunteering Engaging in Service) Community Service Unfunded (7-0-0)
Wildlife Society Special Interest Funded (7-0-0)
WOWW-We’re Offering Women Wisdom Other-Mentoring Funded-Affiliate (7-0-0)
WRIU Radio Just for fun Funded (6-0-1)


  • Stipend Review
    • Starting Soon