SOARC 2-29-2016



Committee: Sam King, Eric Wang, Ana Duque, Jen Scotti, Andy Donnelly, Riley Temple, Janay Lewis, Dan Bertel

Absent: Ryan Buck, Laura Creese, Austin, Luis Gonzales

Non-Committee: Ro Percy


  1. Capoeira
    1. Who attended: president
    2. Meeting time and place: classes in Fascitelli fitness center, Thursday at 7
    3. Members – 12 consistent members
    4. Elections held to our standards: No, did not hold secret ballot. Held elections by hand raising.
    5. Purpose: focus on Brazilian martial arts. Combine dance, into martial arts
    6. Goals: increase cultural awareness on campus. Promote diversity bring cultural background to campus.  Increase outreach and hold classes at other schools.
    7. Failed re-recognition due to the group falling apart and lack of participation
      1. Classes were not very visible
      2. Involvement tapered off
    8. Also recommended by committee that the group hold regular meetings outside of classes.
    9. RECOMMENDATION: re-open nominations and conduct elections by secret ballot.
  1. Billiards
    1. Who attended: president
    2. Meeting time and place: want to meet Tuesdays at 12:30. Trying to get room with memorial union.
    3. Members – 12 members
    4. Elections held to our standards: yes
    5. Purpose:
    6. Goals: try to set up bi-weekly tournaments
    7. Group has their own pool sticks that are less fragile.
    8. Failed Re-recognition due to failures on the behalf of prior leadership
      1. Vote ( 7 – 0 – 0 )
      2. Need to attend senate meeting on ___March 9, 2016_________

Stipend Review

  • Renaissance Yearbook
    • In existence since 1998.  Put together yearbook, assemble photos and information.  Marketed mostly toward seniors.  All of the proceeds go to making the yearbook.  Sold around 230 yearbooks last year.  Yearbook documents events on campus and displays how the university has changed over the years.  Have yet to complete the 2015 yearbook.
    • Editor in chief
      • Conducts meetings.  Meets outside company representatives.  Oversee the yearbook staff.  Ensure that the yearbook is good quality.  Liaison to Jostens and Prestige.
      • Vote ( 4 – 3 – 0 )  DID NOT PASS By 2/3rd Majority
        • Position is no longer eligible for stipends
        • May appeal to the Executive Committee
    • Section Editor
      • In charge of the different parts that goes into the yearbook such as events.  Makes sure that these events are laid out properly.  Also reaches out to other groups for photos.
      • Vote ( 1 – 7 – 0 )  DID NOT PASS
        • Position is no longer eligible for stipends
        • May appeal to the Executive Committee
    • Treasurer
      • Conducts financial tasks.  Budgets yearbooks.  Pay Jostens and pay stipends.  Also functions as an editor.  Takes care of all financial tasks.
      • Vote ( 0 – 8 – 0 )  DID NOT PASS
        • Position is no longer eligible for stipends
        • May appeal to the Executive Committee
  • WRIU
    • Business Manager (fulfills treasurer role)
      • Currently represented by an interim member as the previous member was dismissed for not fulfilling his duties
      • Fill stipends, make purchases, pay bills, organize funds.  Look at different possible purchase options.  Check and pay invoices.  Manage phone time to reduce costs.  Make purchase requisitions.  Is one of two the signatories needed to pay bills and make purchase orders.
      • Vote ( 7 – 0 – 0 )
    • FM Sports Director
      • Assigns coverage for sports at the university and other major games.  Make sure that there are the available resources to provide coverage and that the reporter is capable of performing the coverage well.  Currently have 18 subordinates.  Only provider of Rams Basketball and Baseball (not broadcast anywhere else).  Sports programming is a major contribution to the radio broadcast.  Contacts other schools and procures credentials to enable reporters to travel to other schools for reporting.
      • Differs from RIU2.  RIU2 is online and is useful for helping new members to gain experience and proficiency and eventually move up to FM.
      • Vote ( 8 – 0 – 0 )
    • RIU2 Sports Director
      • Manages sports for online radio.  Handles soccer, rugby and other sports that the FM Sports does not broadcast.  Helps cover the sports that could not be covered by any other method.  Currently has 17 subordinates.  Individually teaches subordinates how to perform their duties.  RIU2 introduces students to the concept of radio station broadcasting.  Gives students members experience at broadcasting.  Much more open and informal group.
      • Vote ( 8 – 0 – 0 )


  • Extra
    • Renaissance Yearbook is going on probation due to having fewer than 10 members (currently only 4 members)