SOARC 3-10-2016



Committee: Chairwoman King, Vice-Chair Donnelly, Senator Scotti, Senator Duque, Senator Gonzales

Absent: Senator Wang,

Non-Committee: Senator Cordova, Senator Percy


  • VIP advertising manager
    • Guest speakers committee
    • To make effective adds that will reach the student body and drive more student to shows and event. Focuses a lot on recruitment and retention.  Makes advertisements per show and event and tries to engage the audience. Major responsibilities are to make ads so students want to come to the events. Ex: copy Wikipedia biography to make advertisements. Ads are created and sent to VIP President, chairperson, advising coordinator and Public Relations Manager for editing before they get published. Has 4 office hours per week and additional hours based on the current needs of SEC events. Within a given year an average of 20 advertisements are created. Has existed for at least 3 semesters.
    • Tabled voting until the constitution is revised
    • Vote to table voting (6-0-1)
  • Recruitment and retention coordinator
    • Ex-officio in terms where President of SEC is not there to lead recruitment events. Holds 3 retention events per year. Holds monthly meetings with the VP’s of every committee to discuss better ways to recruit and to keep retention. Minimum of 6 office hours per week. Hold a 2v1 meeting with Sarah to make sure each member is heard and feels comfortable within the organization. Makes sure the people in every committee are heard and so new members are comfortable and returning members are happy. Each chairperson also can be the ‘ears’ to individual’s assistance needs. Organizes full weekend retreats. If the position were to no longer exist then teams may not work cohesively and get their work done to meet deadlines if there are conflicts or issues in place. The process for recruitment is organization of retreats whereas, advertising is the man power for the committees and they make sure the flyers and ads get out to everyone so there is no exact overlapping between the two positions.
    • Vote to table voting (7-0-0)