SOARC 4-22-2013

START TIME:   12:03pm


ATTENDANCE: Pishdadian, Sit, McAteer, Weinreich, Kappatos, Conti [Sit taking minutes]

Unexcused: Britto



1)Last meeting

  • Kyle – if you have your schedule set, please send it to me
  • Email it to me!
  • Conti – “I’ll know when my internship schedule is by the first week of May.”

o   Can do Mondays after 1pm

  • If you want to be vice chair also email Kyle
  • Vice chair is responsible for filling in and taking minutes

2)Last Words

  • Transition stuff will be given on Wednesday
  • “I’ll be sappy and sad when it’s all over”


  • We won’t talk about it this meeting but we should discuss it over the break and such
  • The categories have been crappy, garbage, vomit, least enjoyable part of SOARC
  • “The categories suck, XOXO – Kyle”
  • If you have suggestions to improve the system, send send send!
  • Will email the committee members with thoughts
  • Also include Pishdadian

4)Go to the Senate Barbeque!