SOARC 4-6-2015

Attendance: Sam King, Eric Wang, Nina Succi
Absent: Brianna Montecalvo, Dan Bertel, Ana Duque
Notes: Barely have

1. Rhody Christian Fellowship
a. Who attended: President
b. Meeting time and place: 3:30, 7:30 Wednesdays, 4:00 Mondays
c. Members – ~30
d. Elections held to our standards: Not Yet
e. Purpose: to love and follow Jesus Christ. Love, serve, and lead. 1 to one small focus groups. Hold Bible studies. Grow spiritually spreading god’s word and faith.
f. Goals: Prayer nights, dinners at staff leader’s house
i. Vote ( 3 – 0 – 0 )
ii. Need to attend senate meeting on ___4/15/15___________
2. LASA (unfreezing budget)
a. Who attended: President, Future President
b. Did not attend president’s meetings
i. Many members were busy
c. Budget Unfreezes today
i. If they do not attending president’s meeting tonight, may face derecognition
d. Wants another club to release ballroom for a couple days to host event
e. Want white board for office.

a. Who attended: President
b. Did not attend president’s meetings
i. Most members were busy during president’s meetings
ii. Are a new organization
iii. Budget supposed to be frozen until April 13
c. Vote on unfreezing budget
i. Vote ( 3 – 0 – 0 )
ii. Budget unfrozen