Fall Writing Retreats

Claim some time for your writing project! All writers are invited to our writing retreats on Fridays throughout the semester. Come for an hour or stay all day. Just bring your laptop, plus your own food and drink. Coffee will be provided.

Retreat Dates: Friday,  9/16, 10/14, and 11/18

Time: 9:00 am-3:00 pm, come by anytime during retreat hours

Location for 9/16 and 10/14 Retreats: Bay Campus – Building 26 Coastal Institute – Large Conference Room (Park in Lot A)

Location for 11/18 Retreat: Alumni Center, Upper College Road, Kingston Campus

All are welcome! There will be other quiet spaces available. You will be asked to check in with a brief statement of your writing goal and to check out with a brief statement of what you accomplished. Let us know if we can expect you by registering and you’ll get a reminder the week before the retreat.
