Writing Across URI has an institutional license for Eli Review, a web-based platform that emphasizes peer learning through a straightforward process of implementing reviews and delivering feedback to each writer. Along with drafting and revising, frequent review is fundamental to effective writing, and one of the best ways to facilitate peer review is through Eli Review.
Faculty who have used Eli before OR those who have completed Eli’s Peer Learning Workshop can incorporate Eli into their courses. Consultations are available to help with structuring assignments. Eli is now integrated with Brightspace so that faculty and students can easily access Eli Review tasks within their course sites.
Contact heather_johnson@uri.edu for more information.
Eli Resources
Eli Review Online PD Workshops - If you would like to incorporate online peer review in any of your courses, please consider taking one of the online, free, and short workshops introducing Eli Review, the peer learning app.
Tips for Comment Instructions - 3 Feedback Design Lessons Effective peer feedback instructions set high expectations for helpful feedback. The people at Eli Review designed feedback tasks for a large lecture business course, a legal writing course on appeals, and a first-year writing course using a writing studies approach. Three lessons were learned about designing review tasks: 1. listen to […]
Eli Review on Brightspace - Instructors can download step-by-step instructions on how to embed Eli Review into a Brightspace site.