Undergraduate Procession Info

Assembling and Lining Up

Candidates for undergraduate degrees should assemble wearing cap and gown along Lower College Road in front of the Memorial Union at 12 p.m. Street clothing should be suitable for this special occasion.

    • The gown should be worn closed in front.
    • The cap should be worn flat or cocked slightly forward. The inside of the crown of the cap usually has a mark indicating which point is the front of the cap. That point should face forward when the cap is worn.
    • The tassel should be worn over the left front edge of the cap.

Candidates should assemble into four, single-file lines, A, B, C, D, as indicated below. The lines are sub-divided into sections according to college and degree program so that candidates from each of the colleges can process onto the Quadrangle and be seated in groups.

  • Line A begins with Arts and Sciences BA degree candidates whose last names begin with the letters A through L and continues with Arts and Sciences BA degree candidates whose last names begin with the letters M through Z
  • Line B begins with Arts and Sciences candidates for the BFA and BM degrees, followed by Arts and Sciences BS candidates, then Nursing candidates, then Engineering candidates
  • Line C begins with candidates for the BIS degree, followed by Business candidates, and ends with Environment and Life Sciences candidates
  • Line D begins Health Sciences candidates, followed by Pharmacy candidates.

A sign pole and sign will mark the front of each line, as well as major divisions within each line.

Unless notified otherwise by your college marshal, you do not need to be in alphabetic order within the lines. You should make sure, however, that you assemble in the correct line and into the correct part of the line reserved for your college and degree program so that you can be seated correctly on the quadrangle.

Note: Undergraduates only cross the stage during the individual college ceremonies when their names are read.

For more information on preparing for your Commencement ceremony, review your Undergraduate Checklist.