
Planning to Participate?

Don’t forget to register!

[themify_button style=”large blue block” link=”https://docs.google.com/a/my.uri.edu/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfTP702vqk621_FcL_SUE__gR0Y1oQvYoq1Ty1nF0URwPwLUQ/viewform?fbzx=6792054646295816000″ target=”blank” color=”#002147″ text=”#fff”]Graduate Student Registration[/themify_button]

Saturday, May 20, 2017, 9 a.m.
Thomas M. Ryan Center

Preparing for the big day

Tickets are not required for The Ryan Center graduate commencement ceremony; however, there are other preparations to be made. Here’s a helpful graduate degree checklist to make sure you’re ready to walk. You should also be sure to review the procession information before the ceremony.

graduate student shaking hands with President Dooley


8:15 a.m.
Graduate Candidates assemble 
in academic attire for the ceremony.
Thomas M. Ryan Center, Kingston Campus

9 a.m.
Graduate Exercises begin
 (tickets are not required for the graduate commencement ceremony)
Thomas M. Ryan Center, Kingston Campus

Watch the ceremony live at stream.uri.edu

Post Ceremony (ceremony generally lasts 2-2.5 hours)
President’s Reception 
to honor all graduate students receiving their degrees, and their guests
Hope Commons, 19 Butterfield Road, Kingston Campus



Thomas Farragher

Thomas Farragher

Farragher is a columnist and associate editor at The Boston Globe. A quintessential journalist, Farragher has spent nearly 40 years using his instinct, talent and dogged determination to find, research and share genuine stories.

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