Ronan Himelrick ’24

Ronan Himelrick ’24, journalism and political science, has displayed a talent and passion for connecting with others over his four years at URI. From his roles as managing editor at The Good Five Cent Cigar and a tour guide to his academic achievements, Himelrick’s ability to connect with others has been central to his success. […]

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Juliana Lepore ’24

Juliana Leopre ’24, communication studies and journalism with a minor in political science, has been a central member of the Kingston campus community throughout her time at URI. As a member of The Good Five Cent Cigar, Lepore worked her way up from her first week at URI as a contributing reporter to editor-in-chief in […]

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Jason Askew ’01

Jason Askew, public relations and communication studies, discovered his passion for communication his sophomore year after learning about the opportunities for communication majors. Today, he is a Senior Product Marketing Manager at Cvent.

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