Human Resource Administration

Leadership on all human resource-related issues

80 Lower College Road, Kingston, RI 02881

urihr@ucs.uri.edu401.874.2416 - 401.874.5741 (fax)

Think Big, We Do.
Rhode Island Seal

Tuition Waiver Policy – Physicians Union


General Fees or course charges of institutions under the jurisdiction of the Board of Governors for Higher Education may be waived for all full-time members of the bargaining unit when they undertake a regular study program at their own or another institution. The level of eligibility for members of the bargaining unit shall be unlimited. The same fee remission applies to spouses and legal dependents when pursuing courses for credit to the baccalaureate level.

Note – The tuition waiver covers the general course fee. All other fees and costs for books are the responsibility of the employee.


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