SOARC 2-27-17



Committee:, Eric Wang, Austin Cordova, Michael Bachials, Dan Depetro, Natasha Nemeth, Austin Faria, Sam King

Absent:, Jen Scotti, Dan Bertel, Romanuel Percy, Stephanie St. Louis





  1. URI Pre-dental Club
    1. Who attended: President
    2. Meeting time and place: Does not have a scheduled time yet, wants to arrange with the pre-health advisor for a room in Lippit.  Twice a month meeting probably.
    3. Members – 10
    4. Elections held to our standards: Yes
    5. Purpose: Since there is a pre-med and pre-pa, the only thing left out is pre-dental. The club is to prepare students for dental.  There is no dental major at URI.  Group members are excited to start a club.  Spoke to pre-health advisor.
    6. Goals: Planning on having a Skype meeting with U-Conn students.
      1. Vote ( 5 – 0 – 1 )
      2. Need to attend senate meeting on ___ March 8 2017__


  1. Thing in the Place
    1. Who attended: President
    2. Meeting time and place: Wednesday 11:30 in G-studio
    3. Members – 23ish
    4. Elections held to our standards: No elections have been held. Several weeks of nominations have been held.
    5. Purpose: Thing is the place is a theater club to create more opportunities for theater students.
    6. Goals: Build an extra-curricular community for theater students. Stage readings of plays that students have written.  Stage productions.  Have cabaret nights and improve nights.  Mostly doing shows in G-studio and J-studio (theater department has priority over space allocation)
    7. RECOMMENDATION: Hold elections at the next meeting.


  1. Boxing Club
    1. Who attended: President
    2. Meeting time and place: Tuesday 8:30 Rhody market
    3. Members – 90ish
    4. Elections held to our standards: yes
    5. Purpose: Create a safe and comfortable environment to get into shape and learn self-defense. Provide an outlet for behavior instead of smoking or alcohol.
    6. Goals: Have unofficial competitions (sparring) to show people and have fun. Raise money.
      1. Vote ( 6 – 0 – 0 )
      2. Need to attend senate meeting on __March 8 2017________


  1. URI Bee Club
    1. Who attended: President
    2. Meeting time and place: no time or place yet, currently in the 24-hour room whenever is best for members
    3. Members – 11 (most of members are not from the entomology department)
    4. Elections held to our standards: yes
    5. Purpose: Get involved in the preservation of bees. Do some outreach and education about bee preservation.  Relationship to faculty is solely based on the fact the one of the professors is keeping bees.
    6. Goals: Help with beehives and pollination garden. Help keep bees through winter hibernation.
      1. Vote ( 6 – 0 – 1 )
      2. Need to attend senate meeting on _March 8, 2017_______




Stipend Review


  • Renaissance Yearbook
    • About the Group
      • Records the history of the group to preserve the memory of the university.  Highlight seniors by giving them the opportunity to have their photo taken.  The group creates a yearbook that is provided to students who buy them (some books are provided free-of-charge to certain institutions at the university).
    • Editor in Chief (president)
      • Runs meetings, does the planning.  Creates the layout of the yearbook.  Coordinates with representatives from publishing company. Coordinates with photographer and meets with him several times a year.  Does work on pages.  Goes to events and gets photographs.  Does a lot of the writings.  Give other staff members jobs and ensures that they are doing their job.  Educates members on how to use the programs.  Worked on a photography bid this last winter.  Does 4 office hours a week (sometimes does an additional 2-4 hours outside of the office making phone calls and attending events).  2016 yearbook is done; Currently in the process of doing final revision and edits.  This position coordinates with everyone in the group.  Does a lot of photos for student organizations who desire to be featured in the yearbook.
      • Some of the targeting of the yearbook is toward the families of students.  Quite a lot of the targeting is still towards the student at the university.
      • Current membership is working a double load because the 2014 group has not done a good job at creating the yearbook or retaining membership.
      • Discussion that the yearbook does not create anything for students who are currently at the university (the yearbook mostly benefits the people who have already graduated)
      • Current idea is to advertise to freshman at a discount to increase awareness of the yearbook.
      • Vote: (6-1-0)