
If you’re still deciding on a major, you’re not alone, and we’re here to help. We recommend that you work closely with an academic advisor, and aim for declaring your major by the start of your sophomore year. Below are some steps to take, along with some resources, to keep you on track.

Meet with an Undeclared/Exploring Advisor

Academic Advisor



Academic Advisor



Explore Majors

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Assess Your Personality

  • TypeFocus (Free online job test based on personality strengths)

Do Some Research

Use these online tools to learn about majors and careers:

Other research suggestions:

  • Learn about Interest Clusters and associated careers through URI’s Center for Career and Experiential Education.
  • Consult with a friend or professional in the career you’re considering and ask questions or shadow them.
  • Sit in on or take a class for the major(s) you’re most interested in, to test the waters.
  • Enroll in UCS 270: Academic and Career Decisions, a seminar that uses self-assessment to help you identify aptitudes, values, and interests as they relate to majors and careers.

Declare Your Major

Once you’ve decided on a major, make an appointment with the advisor for that major to start the process of declaring. You can find your advisor, curriculum sheets, and more in the Advising by Major section.