Samantha Santos

Advisor for

Advising Hours

Scheduled appointments and drop-in hours are posted on Starfish


I am an Academic Advisor for Business majors in University College at URI. I graduated from Providence College with an MBA and a Master of Education in Counseling with a Mental Health track. PC is where I found my passion for working with students. (I still have basketball season tickets…) Throughout my time in higher education, I worked with students adjusting to college life, brushing up on their academic skills, and all encompassing-holistic advising. 

Outside the office, you will find me in the kitchen trying a new recipe or old family favorite. Food is the greatest joy that is best shared with friends and family. I may be a true born and raised Rhode Islander; but I love getting out by taking weekend getaways to try the local cuisine and FaceTiming family to show them what they are missing out on. 

My door is always open to talk shop, latest restaurant finds, or Bill Belichick’s genius mind. Stop by!