Academic Success Modules
Strategies To Help You Start Strong
The Academic Enhancement Center is pleased to offer this series of self-guided modules to help new and returning students prepare for academic success! Feel free to explore the modules, and contact us to learn more or to set up an 1 to 1 academic skills consultation.
Please also explore our academic skills web portal, Study Your Way to Success. There you will find links to even more content from across the web that students can use to improve their approach to studying, time management, test taking and more!
Planning and scheduling your work effectively can make all the difference between success and struggle. This module discusses planning strategies and teaches a system for managing your time and work.
A Systematic Approach to Studying for Better Recall and Understanding
Remote and Online Learning
For new students and returning students alike, preparing for remote and online learning is a key to success in Fall 2020. This module shares tips and strategies to help you start strong.
Motivation and procrastination
There’s no getting around it: College courses are challenging. Believing in yourself and staying with it can make all the difference. This module offers strategies for motivating yourself to do difficult things.