Course Descriptions
Free Women of Color in the Atlantic World
(3 crs.) Free African descended women’s experiences living in societies with slaves and slave societies of the Atlantic World. (Lec. 3) Pre: AAF 150, or sophomore standing, or by permission of the instructor.
Talent Development at URI: History, Legacy, Impact
(3 crs.) This course addresses the Talent Development program at URI and the national and local politics that made it possible. Students will also learn about similar programs in the country. (Lec. 3)
Forgiveness is Freedom: Racial Violence & Forgiveness
(1 cr.) Cross-listed as (AAF) PSC. Understand, identify, and creatively work to understand racial violence and the relationship between violence and forgiveness. (Lec. 1) S/U only
Hip Hop, Gender and Sexuality
(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (AAF) MUS309, GWS309. Presents students with a variety of issues pertaining to gender and sexuality in aspects of hip-hop music and culture. (Lec. 3) Pre: Sophomore standing, AAF208/MUS208 (C or better), and permission of instructor are required
Indigenous and African Slavery in the Northeast
(3 crs.) History of the enslavement and bondage of Indigenous and African descended people in New England and Mid-Atlantic states from its origins in the 1640s until the 1840s. (Lec. 3) Pre: AAF 150, or sophomore standing, or by permission of instructor.
Afrofuturism and Black Futures
(3 crs.) What is the future of the African diaspora and what will Blackness be like in the future? Special emphasis on speculative imaginaries, technology, liberation, community, alternative epistemologies, and reparation. (Lec. 3)
Global Equity, Justice, and Social Media
(4 crs.) Cross-listed as (PSC) AAF 484. Leverage critical lenses to analyze global inequalities and injustices using critical perspectives. The course will explore how systemic biases affect individuals' opportunities across diverse socio-demographic factors worldwide. (Seminar) (C3) (D1)