We all know that the best way to learn about another culture is to experience it first hand and immerse yourself in it. Our summer study abroad programs in Ghana and Cape Verde offer exciting opportunities for both academic and personal growth.

Cape Verde
Cape Verde is a group of islands off the coast of Africa with a fascinating and rich cultural history. You can earn 3-6 credits for the Cape Verde Summer Study Abroad Program, where you’ll engage in cultural tours and excursions, including visits to museums and historic sites. You’ll also participate in a service learning project in a local community school, and collaborate with the local communities through forums to identify the needs of the community.

Study abroad trips to Ghana are offered through the Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE) and School for International Training (SIT). Engage in a range of cultural activities in Ghana—exploring local artwork, visiting traditional marketplaces, and seeing and hearing African drummers, musicians, and dancers. You may also have the opportunity to participate in humanitarian projects that benefit local communities and schools.