Part-Time Faculty Support

The Office for the Advancement of Teaching & Learning supports part-time faculty across the University of Rhode Island. As part of our mission, we provide opportunities and host programs that connect part-time faculty to campus resources and teaching tools and strategies to help them be successful at URI.

ATL Programming for Part-Time Faculty

Date(s)Course Title & Description
1/6/25-1/24/25Course Prep/Teaching Consultations – Preparing for your Spring course(s) and need to ask a quick teaching-related question? Maybe brainstorm an idea while prepping your course(s)? Sign up for a virtual consultation just for PT faculty!
2/3/25Part-Time Faculty Community of Practice – Designed for all Part-Time faculty teaching at URI, this four-session Community of Practice will help faculty develop relationships with colleagues, explore teaching successes and challenges, and further establish their teaching practice.

Session Dates: Feb. 3, March 3, April 7, & May 12.
2/11/25Experienced PT Faculty Panel Discussion – Are you a relatively new PT faculty member at URI? Or just curious to learn from you PT faculty peers? Join us virtually for a panel discussion with experienced PT faculty who will share tips and recommendations for successfully teaching at URI.
Fall 2025
Strategies & Tools for New Part-Time Faculty Calling all new part-time faculty! Is this your first or second semester teaching at URI? This program is specifically designed for you and will help prepare you for a successful semester. You will build connections with colleagues, learn more about the URI community and resources, and establish or further develop your teaching practices.

URI Resources for Part-Time Faculty

Tip/Resources Sheet for Part-time Faculty as you begin teaching at URI

More information to come.