Gabriele Kass-Simon


Research in my laboratory is focused on the cellular and behavioral neurobiology of invertebrates – “crunchies” (lobsters) and “squishies” (hydra). Intracellular and extra-cellular electrophysiological and behavioral studies in my lab are complemented by collaborative immuno-histochemical, ultrastructural, and biochemical studies in other laboratories at URI and elsewhere. The aim of the work is to define the cellular-membranal and chemical (transmitters and hormones) mechanisms that determine certain behaviors. In lobsters, we have been focusing on the physiology of agonistic behavior over the molt-cycle and the physiology of agonistic behavior in gravid females; in hydra we have concentrated on the physiology of nematocyst discharge and feeding behavior, and on the chemical neurotransmission of hydra’s pacemaker systems.


Neurobiology, behavioral physiology of invertebrates


D.Phil. (Zoology) 1967, University of Zurich
M.A. (English) 1959, Columbia University
B.A. (English) 1956, University of Michigan