Student Employment

There are dozens of URI offices and departments, as well as off campus partners, who are looking to hire you. Use this site to learn more about on-campus jobs, federal work-study, off campus community service work-study, and where to find the right job for you. The Center for Career and Experiential Education is here to help.

What is FWS or CSWS

Federal Work-Study (FWS) provides part-time employment during the academic year. The jobs may either be with University departments or with eligible off-campus nonprofit partners (Community Service Work-Study/CSWS). Students without a work-study awards can still apply to on-campus employment (although not all offices are able to hire students without a work-study). Only student how have accepted their work-study award may apply for CSWS.


Work Study Quick Links:

*Access Enrollment Services videos in Spanish

Work Study Overview & Tips:

  • The work-study award is earned through working at on-campus or eligible off-campus locations.
  • Why tell an on-campus employer that I have work study? Students with work-study are often preferred for on-campus work since their award covers part of their wage, so the on-campus employer is incentivized to hire work-study students. However, having work-study is not a guarantee for finding employment.
  • Find and apply to on-campus positions through Handshake (see listing below as well), or by talking to campus departments to find possible openings.
  • Work-study positions allow students to work flexible hours with their school schedule, while also building valuable skills that will bolster any resumé.
  • Find off-campus work through the Community Service Work Study program (CSWS):
    • Gain experience in off-campus employment while also serving the larger URI community at a non-profit organization or local/state agency.
    • Positions will be added over the course of the academic year.
    • If you do not see an open position of interest, but have a site you would like to work for, contact Student Employment– all sites must be approved to count toward work-study.

Who Supports Student Employment?

Student employment is a large scale program that requires the cooperation of various departments at URI, each with their own part to play. The links below explain how each department, office, or individual fits into the larger student employment picture here at URI.

Campus Jobs

The following is a partial listing of opportunities that are available for on campus employment at URI. For a complete list please go to Handshake and log in with your Single Sign On. Click on the Job feed, then click on the “On-Campus” filter to show only on campus jobs. Apply through Handshake and be sure to follow up directly with departments where you have applied.