Engineering and Tech Fair

Engineering and Tech Fair [themify_icon icon=”fa-calendar” icon_color=”#000000″ ]October 4, 2017, 11am – 3pm Ryan Center The University of Rhode Island Engineering and Technology Career Fair is a collaborative effort between the College of Engineering and the Center for Career and Experiential Education. The fair provides students with the opportunity to speak with undergraduate and graduate […]

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Using your free elective credits to participate in experiential learning is a great way to put classroom learning into practical experience. While engaged in the supportive experiential learning environment you can test career goals, enhance professional skills, develop self-reliance, self-esteem, and responsibility. Furthermore, experiential learning encourages networking with professionals and will provide increased marketability for […]

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Cell & Molecular Biology

While engaged in the supportive environment of an internship, apprenticeship or special project, you can test career goals, enhance professional skills, develop self-reliance, self-esteem, and responsibility. Furthermore, these opportunities encourage networking with professionals and will provide increased marketability for employment after graduation. Below are your options for earning experiential credits. Please meet with your academic […]

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