URI Career & Experiential Data Insights

Center for Career & Experiential Education

The Center for Career & Experiential Education (CCEE) supports student success through engagement in high quality personal and professional experiences. Because we honor identity, center equity, and value differing experiences, we strive to provide inclusive teaching, advising, programming, and resources. By building trust with faculty and staff we support individualized approaches to integrating career, civic, and experiential learning into curriculum. Through active reciprocal relationships with employer and community partners, we develop an impressive workforce talent pipeline that contributes to the Rhode Island economy, community, and beyond.

Career Advising in CCEE is organized by major cluster and students are mapped by major on Starfish from year one to a Career Education Specialist (CES).

3,9142023-2024 CCEE Advising Appointments
536Enrollments in CCEE Career Planning & Internship Courses
8,400+Students reached through 200+ CCEE Class Presentations

Campus Data Insights

Career and Experiential Education at URI, including Alumni Outcomes and Employer Engagement, is diverse and unique, with students following a variety of paths in order to discover their major to career journey. Explore the following data-informed resources, created by CCEE with data and support from URI’s Career and Experiential Learning Network throughout campus.

2023-2024 Campus Career & Experiential Data Highlights At A Glance

8,118+Student & alumni attendees at career fairs & events (32% increase from ‘22-’23)
2,955Unique students enrolled in credit-bearing Internships, Clinicals, Pharmacy Practice, or Student Teaching
6,702Unique students enrolled in Experiential Education courses
23,000+Organizations recruiting URI students on Handshake
30,344Applications submitted for Internships through Handshake
88%of 2023 Alumni, who completed the Survey of Recent Graduates, are employed or continuing education

Upcoming Career & Experiential Events

For more information and resources on events, please visit our Events page.