Audra Lavoie–She/Her/Hers

I advise for the following majors:
Animal Science & Technology | Aquaculture and Fisheries Technology | Biology | Biological Sciences | Biotechnology | Cell & Molecular Biology | Criminology and Criminal Justice | Economics | Environmental & Natural Resource Economics | Environmental Science & Management | Geology & Geological Oceanography | International Studies & Diplomacy | Landscape Architecture | Marine Biology | Marine Affairs | Medical Laboratory Science |Molecular Neuroscience | Plant Sciences | Political Science | Sociology | Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems | Wildlife & Conservation Biology

Clifton Strengths: Communication, Futuristic, Activator, Ideation, and Woo
Characters Values: Honesty Creativity Gratitude Love Fairness


I am a URI alum. I have a Bachelor of Arts degree in Journalism, and a Masters of Public Administration.

Career Journey

As a URI student, I changed my major four times, ending with the same major I started with. I have worked in a variety of fields. The experiences that I often talk the most about have been my work in recruitment, emergency management, environmental education, refugee resettlement, and entrepreneurship. I have worked in government, business, and nonprofit organizations.

When not supporting career and experiential education at URI, you will find me: hiking, writing, cooking, yoga(ing?) – who knows? I like to try new hobbies and create my own projects. Recently I began playing guitar and started taking martial arts classes. I believe time is our most valuable resource and I enjoy spending mine with my family and animals (two cats and a dog).

What Strength, Value, or Personality trait do you identify with most and why? We all have many different strengths and talents. I really enjoy connecting with others and using my creativity and “activator” to get you started on the career goals that are meaningful to you.