Dr. Patricia Jackson


Driven by her passion for advocacy and social justice, Dr. Jackson brings a wealth of experience and dedication to her role of Executive Director of Habitat for Humanity of Greater Providence and East Bay. Dr. Jackson has been actively involved in the field of housing for approximately 8 years, starting with her humble beginnings as site support in a homeless shelter in Brockton, Massachusetts.

Originally from Kansas City, Kansas, Dr. Jackson has a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the University of Kansas, and a Masters in Public Administration with a specialty in Urban Design from Park University. In 2016, she moved to the East Coast to obtain a Masters in Legal Studies, specializing in Business Studies, from Northeastern University. Five years later, Dr. Jackson achieved her Doctorate in Law and Policy from Northeastern University, with her dissertation focusing on the Disinvestment and Lack of Reinvestment in Disenfranchised Communities.