Public and Professional Writing

Participating in an internship is a great way to put classroom learning into practical experience. While engaged in the supportive environment of an internship, you can test career goals, enhance professional skills, develop self-reliance, self-esteem, and responsibility. Furthermore, these opportunities encourage networking with professionals and will provide increased marketability for employment after graduation.

Below are your two options for earning experiential credits. Please meet with your academic advisor before making a final decision regarding which option is best for you.

WRT 477: Writing & Rhetoric Internship


  • 60 credits with a minimum of 12 in WRT
  • 2.5 GPA
  • Permission of faculty advisor


  • Internship in Writing and Rhetoric
  • Practice and direct supervision in workplace writing
  • Placement options include community-based, governmental, technological, health services, military, educational, and non profit organizations
  • 1-3 credits (S/U Only)
  • May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits


  • Genoa Shepley
  • Department Chair
  • Dismiss message

    ITR302/304: Field Experience & Seminar


    • 2.0 cumulative GPA or higher
    • Minimum 60 credits prior to internship
    • Available free elective credits
    • Good academic and social standing


    • ITR 302 Field Experience: 3-12 credits (S/U grade)
    • ITR 304 Seminar: 3 credits (letter grade)
    • Seminar is asynchronous online via Brightspace


    Your Career Education Specialist

Explore Past Internship Opportunities

The following list is a SAMPLE of placements in which students have participated for experiential credits. This list is not exhaustive.

Rhode Island Internships

  • Naval Undersea Warfare Center
  • Rhode Island Monthly
  • Motif Magazine

Out-Of-State Internships

  • GamerFitNation, Inc.

Sources:ITR Enrollment Data from Spring 2017-Summer 2024