Honorary Degrees

Each academic year at the University of Rhode Island, the Honorary Degree Committee seeks nominations for recipients of honorary degrees to be awarded at commencement. Criteria for nominees include individuals who exhibit integrity and strong character, those who have outstanding and sustained accomplishments in academia, business, entrepreneurialism, government, the arts, humanitarian efforts, the military or public service; those whose achievements are exceptional, reaching far beyond normal expectations; individuals who will serve as an inspiring examples to our students, our alumni and society at large and whose new association as an honorary degree recipient will bring honor to URI.

The nomination process

The Honorary Degree Committee considers nominations received each year from the University community and the public. The Committee then submits a list of nominees to the president, who forwards his choices to the URI Board of Trustees. Individuals are then approved to receive their doctoral degrees, honoris causa, with all the rights and privileges pertaining to it. One of the nominees may be considered by the president and invited as a keynote speaker. If selected, the recipient may join an exclusive club — over 400 individuals who have been awarded honorary degrees from the University of Rhode Island since 1941.

To nominate an honorary degree candidate

It’s easy, but your submission must be as complete as possible to provide the Honorary Degree Committee with all of the information needed to consider in evaluating candidates.

  1. Review eligibility criteria below.
  2. Gather background information on your nominee.
  3. Complete the honorary degree nomination form.
  4. Submit the nomination form and all other information to the Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.

The deadline for May 2025 Commencement nominations is October 1, 2024. For more information, call the Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs at 401.874.4410.

Eligibility Criteria

Criteria for nominees include:

  1. Individuals who exhibit integrity and strong character.
  2. Those who have outstanding and sustained accomplishments in academia, business, entrepreneurialism, government, the arts, humanitarian efforts, the military or public service.
  3. Those whose achievements are exceptional, reaching far beyond normal expectations.
  4. Individuals who will serve as an inspiring examples to our students, our alumni and society at large and whose new association as an honorary degree recipient will bring honor to URI.

Not eligible for consideration:

  1. Those who hold elected office or are declared candidates for office at the local, state or federal level, until three (3) years after completion of their service
  2. Current employees and students of URI, until three (3) years after completion of their term at URI
  3. Past honorary degree recipients
  4. Except in special circumstances when the President, in consultation with the Chair of the Board of Trustees, determines otherwise, current members of the Board of Trustees are not eligible to receive an honorary degree.

The University of Rhode Island Honorary Degree Committee will carefully consider and examine each nomination for possible recommendation to the President of the University. The President will bring recommendations to the Board of Trustees for approval.

Note: Persons receiving an honorary degree from the University must appear in person at the Main Commencement Ceremony. If a recipient is unable to attend the ceremony, the conferral of the degree can be deferred to an alternate opportunity. In rare situations, the University may award an honorary degree posthumously.

A note about confidentiality

The Committee recommends and asks that the names of candidates who have been nominated remain confidential. Their names should only be known to those who write letters of reference on behalf of the nominated candidate. When the process is complete, the Honorary Degree recipients are announced by the president to the University community and the media.

Revocation of honorary degrees

Honorary degrees are awarded for life. If the university becomes aware of documented evidence of criminal, unethical or immoral behavior or activity on the part of an awardee, the University reserves the right to rescind the honorary degree.