Planning to Participate?
Don’t forget to register!
[themify_button style=”large blue block” link=”https://docs.google.com/a/my.uri.edu/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfTP702vqk621_FcL_SUE__gR0Y1oQvYoq1Ty1nF0URwPwLUQ/viewform?fbzx=6792054646295816000″ target=”blank” color=”#002147″ text=”#fff”]Graduate Student Registration[/themify_button]
Saturday, May 20, 2017, 9 a.m.
Thomas M. Ryan Center
Preparing for the big day
Tickets are not required for The Ryan Center graduate commencement ceremony; however, there are other preparations to be made. Here’s a helpful graduate degree checklist to make sure you’re ready to walk. You should also be sure to review the procession information before the ceremony.
8:15 a.m.
Graduate Candidates assemble in academic attire for the ceremony.
Thomas M. Ryan Center, Kingston Campus
9 a.m.
Graduate Exercises begin (tickets are not required for the graduate commencement ceremony)
Thomas M. Ryan Center, Kingston Campus
Watch the ceremony live at stream.uri.edu
Post Ceremony (ceremony generally lasts 2-2.5 hours)
President’s Reception to honor all graduate students receiving their degrees, and their guests
Hope Commons, 19 Butterfield Road, Kingston Campus
Thomas Farragher
Farragher is a columnist and associate editor at The Boston Globe. A quintessential journalist, Farragher has spent nearly 40 years using his instinct, talent and dogged determination to find, research and share genuine stories.