- Research Opportunities
Areas of Interest Primary Advisor Degree to be fulfilled Earnings Machine-learning based anomaly detection; Adversary modeling Dr. Yan Lindsay Sun N/A Undergraduate interns are welcome Hourly Network Programming Dr. Hui Lin N/A Undergraduate interns are welcome Hourly Artificial intelligence, machine learning, smart grid Dr. Haibo He N/A Undergraduate interns are welcome Hourly Hardware design Dr. Tao Wei N/A Undergraduate interns are welcome Hourly Robotics – theory development of multi-agent distributed control and its applications to multi-robot coordination Dr. Chengzhi Yuan Ph.D. Full Background in computer architecture, embedded systems, cyber security, machine learning, and data storage Dr. Qing Yang Ph.D. Full Background in FPGA/SoC embedded systems; PCB design and prototyping; and optoelectronic devices Dr. Tao Wei Ph.D. Full Security in cyber-physical systems; Intrusion detection Dr. Yan Lindsay Sun M.S. or Ph.D. Full; Partial also available Artificial intelligence, machine learning; smart grid Dr. Haibo He M.S. or Ph.D. Full; Partial also available Security in cyber-physical systems; software-defined networking; edge computing; IoT; deep learning; and power system analysis Dr. Hui Lin M.S. or Ph.D. Full; Partial also available Full: covers full tuition, health insurance, and provides stipend;
Partial: covers partial tuition and some stipend;
Hourly: depends on hours worked based on URI hourly pay ratePlease send CVs and cover letters to cypher_info@etal.uri.edu along with which area you’re interested in applying for
- Research Assistant Positions in Computer Engineering
Dr. Qing Yang is currently seeking students with a B.S. or M.S. degree in Computer Science or Computer Engineering with research interests in computer architecture, memory and interconnection structures, embedded systems, AI, cyber security, and/or HW/SW designs. Interested applicants can contact Dr. Yang (qyang@uri.edu) for more information.
- RA in Cyber-Physical System Security
We are seeking applications for Ph.D. and M.S. research assistants in the area of cyber-physical system security. Students will conduct research under the supervision of Dr. Yan Lindsay Sun, and work closely with Dr. Haibo He and other students in related projects. To apply, please contact Prof. Yan (Lindsay) Sun.
- Multiple RA and post-doc positions available
The Computational Intelligence and Self-Adaptive Systems (CISA) Laboratory at the Department of Electrical, Computer, and Biomedical Engineering at the University of Rhode Island (URI) has multiple positions for fully funded RA and post-doc immediately. Our laboratory currently focus on cutting-edge research on artificial intelligence, deep learning, neural networks, data mining, cyber-physical security, and a wide range of application domains including smart grid, communications and networks, robotics, and cyber-physical systems. Interested applicants can contact Dr. Haibo He (haibohe@uri.edu) for more information.
- Ph.D. Positions in Power Electronics Lab
URI PEL is currently looking for promising Ph.D. students to research advanced power conversion systems, start from Spring/Fall 2021 semesters. An ideal candidate should hold a master’s degree in electrical engineering with an established research record in power electronics and control systems. Qualified applicants should contact Prof. Yeonho Jeong (yjeong@uri.edu) with their CV and unofficial transcripts.
- Multiple Ph.D. Positions in Cyber-Physical System Resilience with Dr. Hui Lin
I am looking for Ph.D. students as research assistants to join my group. We will work on interdisciplinary projects to enhance the resiliency of today’s cyber-physical systems and Internet-of-things, such as electric power grids. Students with interests and experiences in areas related to system/network security and reliability, computer networks, and power systems are encouraged to apply.
At least two Ph.D. openings are available (fully funded as research assistant or teaching assistant positions) are available. The positions are open for 2021 Spring/Fall in the Department of Electrical, Computer, and Biomedical Engineering at the University of Rhode Island (URI). The positions will remain open until filled by qualified candidates.
• B.S. or M.S. degree in computer engineering, electrical engineering, computer science, or closely related areas.
• Strong interest in cybersecurity, cyber-physical systems, and machine learning.
• Knowledge in software-defined networking (SDN) and edge computing is preferred, but not required.
• Experiences in deep learning and data analytics are preferred, but not required.
• Previous research experiences in power grid security is preferred, but not required.
Contact Information:
Please send your C.V. and transcript or any other questions to Dr. Hui Lin at huilin@uri.edu if interested.
- Multiple RA and post-doc positions available