Course Descriptions
Electrical/Computer Engineering
Introduction to Electrical Engineering
(1 cr.) Seminar series given by instructor, invited experts, and students with a focus on electrical engineering applications and professional practice. (Seminar) Pre: (credit or concurrent enrollment in MTH 111 or 141) or permission of instructor.
Cyber Physical Security
(3 crs.) Basic concepts of cyber physical security, importance of data security, set and change password, authentication, authorization, data encryption and decryption, hardware and software basics of cyber-physical systems. (Lec. 3) (A1) (GC)
Digital Circuit Design
(3 crs.) Digital concepts. Combinational logic: gates, Boolean algebra, K-maps, standard implementations. Sequential circuits: flip-flops, timing diagrams, state diagrams, counters and registers, design methods. MSI devices, memory, and programmable devices. (Lec. 3) Pre: (credit or concurrent enrollment in MTH 141) or permission of instructor.
Digital Circuit Design Laboratory
(1 cr.) Laboratory experience in digital electronics. Logic design projects using standard SSI and MSI integrated circuits. (Lab. 3) Pre: credit or concurrent enrollment in 201.
(2 crs.) Hands-on familiarization with computer and microprocessor software and hardware. Computer architecture and interfacing with input and output devices. (Lec. 2) Pre: (credit or concurrent enrollment in ELE 206 and MTH 141) or permission of instructor.
Microprocessor Laboratory
(1 cr.) Laboratory exercises related to topics in ELE 205. (Lab. 3) Pre: credit or concurrent enrollment in ELE 205.
Introduction to Computer Systems
(3 crs.) Bits, binary representations, digital logic structures, the von Neumann computing model, the machine and assembly language, interrupt and traps, input and output, subroutines, stack and high-level programming in computing systems. (Lec. 3) Pre: (credit or concurrent enrollment in ELE 209 and MTH 141) or permission of instructor.
Introduction to Computer Systems Laboratory
(1 cr.) Laboratory exercises related to topics in ELE 208. (Lab. 3) Pre: credit or concurrent enrollment in ELE 208.
Linear Circuit Theory
(4 crs.) Kirchhoff's Laws, DC-resistive networks, dependent sources, operational amplifier circuits, natural and forced response of first- and second-order circuits, sinusoidal steady-state response, phasors, AC power. (Lec. 4) Pre: (ELE 201, PHY 204, (credit or concurrent enrollment in MTH 244 or 362), and (at least a 2.00 (C) average in MTH 141, MTH 142, PHY 203, and PHY 204)) or permission of instructor.
Linear Circuits Laboratory
(1 cr.) Laboratory exercises relevant to topics in ELE 212. (Lab. 3) Pre: ELE 202, credit or concurrent enrollment in 212; or permission of instructor.
Passive and Active Circuits
(3 crs.) Electrical circuit laws and theorems, transient and steady-state response, phasors, frequency response, resonance. Diode and transistor circuits, digital logic devices. (Lec. 3) Pre: PHY 204 or permission of instructor. Not open to electrical engineering majors.
Digital Design with FPGAs
(3 crs.) Digital design, simulation, synthesis and verification using electronic design automation tools. IEEE VHDL hardware description language and rapid prototyping with FPGAs. Register transfer level design with reusable modules and cores. (Lec. 3) Pre: (ELE 201 and 202 and 212 and 215 and (credit or concurrent enrollment in 302)) or permission of instructor.
Digital Design with FPGAs Laboratory
(1 cr.) Laboratory exercises related to topics in ELE 301. (Lab. 3) Pre: credit or concurrent enrollment in ELE 301.
Introduction to Computer Architecture
(3 crs.) Introduction to CPU, instruction set architecture, instruction pipeline, hazard avoidance and branch prediction. Concept and evaluation of cache memory and memory management. Bus architecture and input and output interfaces. (Lec. 3) Pre: (ELE 201 and ELE 212 and (ELE 205 or ELE 208)) or permission of instructor.
Signals and Systems I
(3 crs.) Properties of linear, time-invariant systems, transient and steady-state response, stability, convolution, Laplace transform and transfer functions, introduction to control systems, Fourier series, Fourier transform, introduction to filters. (Lec. 3) Pre: (ELE 212, EGR 106, (MTH 244 or 362), and ((at least a 2.00 (C) average in 212, (MTH 244 or 362), and PHY 204)) or permission of instructor.
Signals and Systems II
(3 crs.) Review of continuous-time signals and systems, sampling theorem, discrete-time systems, FIR and IIR filters, frequency response, stability, Z-transforms, Discrete-Time Fourier Transform (DTFT), DIscrete Fourier Transform (DFT), introduction to Fast-Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm, filter design examples. (Lec. 3) Pre: ELE 313 or permission of instructor.
Electromagnetic Fields I
(4 crs.) Electrostatics and magnetostatics, forces on charged particles. Analysis employs vector algebra and vector calculus in orthogonal coordinates. Simple applications to engineering problems. (Lec. 3, Rec. 1) Pre: (ELE 212 and MTH 243 and PHY 204) or permission of instructor.
Introduction to Solid State Devices
(4 crs.) Electrical and optical properties of semiconductors. Characteristics of p-n and metal semiconductor junctions. Application to diodes, transistors and light emitting and absorbing devices. Fabrication technology is introduced. (Lec. 3, Rec.1) Pre: (ELE 212 and MTH 243) or permission of instructor.
Electronics I
(3 crs.) Review of linear circuit theory, operational amplifiers, diode and transistor circuits, computer-aided design, linear and nonlinear circuit applications, CMOS logic (Lec. 3) Pre: ELE 201, 212, 215, (EGR 106 or permission of instructor), (credit or concurrent enrollment in ELE 339), and ((at least a 2.00 (C) average in 201, 212, 215, MTH 142, and PHY 204) or permission of instructor.
Electronics I Laboratory
(1 cr.) Laboratory exercises related to topics in ELE 338. (Lab. 3) Pre: (credit or concurrent enrollment in ELE 338).
Electronics II
(3 crs.) Bipolar and MOS transistor biasing, small signal amplifiers, amplifier frequency response, operational amplifiers, SPICE, nonlinear circuits, statistical circuit simulation. (Lec. 3) Pre: (((ELE 338 and 339) or 342) and (credit or concurrent enrollment in 344)) or permission of instructor.
Electronics II Laboratory
(1 cr.) Laboratory exercises related to topics in ELE 343. (Lab. 3) Pre: Credit or concurrent enrollment in ELE 343.
Technologies and Music
(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (ELE), MUS, COM 369G. Introduction to 12-tone music; orchestra instruments; mathematics and physics of musical acoustics; physiology of auditory system; audio engineering; microphones, amplifiers and speakers; software for synthesis; ethics in music industry. (Lec. 3) Pre: Junior standing or permission of instructor. (A1) (GC)
Special Problems
(1-4 crs.) Independent study of special engineering problems. Topic and number of credits determined in consultation with the instructor. (Independent Study) Pre: permission of instructor.
Special Problems
(1-4 crs.) Independent study of special engineering problems. Topic and number of credits determined in consultation with the instructor. (Independent Study) Pre: permission of instructor.
Special Problems
(1-4 crs.) Independent study of special engineering problems. Topic and number of credits determined in consultation with the instructor. (Independent Study) Pre: permission of instructor. S/U credit.
Introduction To Professional Practice
(1 cr.) Discussions with faculty, visiting engineers, and invited speakers on ethical, social, economic, and safety considerations in engineering practice; career planning; graduate study. (Lec. 1) Pre: ((ELE 205 or 208 or BME 207) and ELE 212) or permission of instructor. Not for graduate credit.
Launching a Technology Startup
(3 crs.) Computer technology: hardware, software, and network; Computer applications in today's society; Tech Innovations; startup company, team building, market analysis, technology differentiation, raising Angel and VC funds: Exit Strategies. (Lec. 3) Pre: MTH 142 and junior standing or permission of Instructor. (B2)(B2) (D1) (GC)
Digital Computer Design
(3 crs.) Hardware implementation of digital computers. Arithmetic circuits, memory types and uses, control logic, basic computer organization, microprogramming, input/output circuits, microcomputers. (Lec. 3) Pre: (ELE 301, 305 and (credit or concurrent enrollment in ELE 406)), or permission of instructor.
Digital Computer Design Laboratory
(1 cr.) Laboratory exercises related to topics in ELE 405. (Lab. 3) Pre: Credit or concurrent enrollment in ELE 405.
Embedded System Design
(3 crs.) Engineering design problems involving hardware, software and interface of computer and embedded systems. Students will apply skills and knowledge accumulated through the curriculum in a group senior design project. (Lec. 3) Pre: (ELE 305 and 313, ((338 and 339) or 342) and (credit or concurrent enrollment in ELE 409)), or permission of instructor.
Embedded System Design Laboratory
(1 cr.) Laboratory exercises related to topics in ELE 408. (Lab. 3). Pre: Credit or concurrent enrollment in 408.
Cyber Physical System Security
(3 crs.) Fundamental constructions and emerging challenges unique to today's cyber-physical systems. Solutions from the perspectives of systems specification, system modeling, network programming, and formal verification (specific focus on electrical power grids). (Lec. 3) Pre: ELE 208 or permission of instructor.
Electromagnetic Fields II
(3 crs.) Transmission lines, Maxwell's equations, wave equation, reflection and refraction phenomena, polarization effects waveguides and antennas. Design project requiring application of electromagnetic theory and use of numerical methods. (Lec. 4) Pre: (ELE 313, 322, 338, 339, and (credit or concurrent enrollment in 424)) or permission of instructor.
Electromagnetic Fields II Laboratory
(1 cr.) Laboratory exercises related to topics in ELE 423. (Lab.1) Pre: Credit or concurrent enrollment in ELE 423.
Renewable and Efficient Electric Power Systems
(3 crs.) This course introduces students to renewable and efficient electric power systems, ranging from the basic concepts of electric power engineering to renewable energy systems such as wind and solar systems. (Lec. 3) Pre: ((ELE 212 or 220 or OCE 206) and PHY204 and MTH (244 or 362)) or permission of instructor.
Electrical Engineering Materials
(4 crs.) Continuation of 331. Electronic and optical properties of materials, mainly semiconductors, applied to the performance and design of electronic devices. Measurements and analysis of these properties will be performed in the laboratory. (Lec. 4) Pre: (ELE 313 and 322 and 331 and ((338 and 339) or 342)) or permission of instructor.
Communication Systems
(3 crs.) Representation of signals and noise. Basic principles of modulation and demodulation. Waveform and digital transmission systems. Design of a component of a communication system. (Lec. 3) Pre: ((ELE 215 or (338 and 339) or 342) and 314 and EGR 106 and (credit or concurrent enrollment in ELE 436)) or permission of instructor.
Communication Systems Laboratory
(1 cr.) Laboratory exercises related to topics in ELE 435. (Lab 3) Pre: credit or concurrent enrollment in ELE 435.
Introduction to Computer Networks
(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (ELE 437), CSC 417. Computer networks, layering standards, communication fundamentals, error detection and recovery, queuing theory, delay versus throughput trade-offs in networks, multiple-access channels, design issues in wide and local area networks. (Lec. 3) Pre: ((ELE 205 or 208 or CSC 211), and (ELE 436 or MTH 451 or ISE 311 (411))), or permission of instructor.
Information and Network Security
(4 crs.) Cross-listed as (ELE 438), CSC 418. Elementary cryptography, public key, private key, symmetric key, authentication protocols, firewalls, virtual private networks, transport layer security, and wireless network security. (Lec. 3, Project 3) Pre: ELE 208 or MTH 362 or MTH 451 or ISE 311 (411) or junior or senior standing in computer engineering or computer science or permission of instructor.
Introduction to Power Electronics
(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (ELE 446) ELE 556. Principles and applications of Power Electronics, including power devices and DC/DC converters. Magnetic circuit theory. Fundamentals of dc-dc inverters, ac-dc rectifiers, direct ac-ac converters, and applications to three-phase systems. (Lec. 3) Pre: ((ELE 212 or 220 or OCE 206) and ELE 313 and MTH (244 or 362)) or permission of instructor.
Digital Integrated Circuit Design I
(3 crs.) Introduction to full custom digital integrated circuit design. Analysis of logic functions and timing at the transistor level. Realization of logic functions via hand crafted transistor layout. Design project. (Lec. 3) Pre: (ELE 202 and ((338 and 339) or 342) and 313 and PHY 204 and (credit or concurrent enrollment in ELE 448)) or permission of instructor.
Digital Integrated Circuit Design I Laboratory
(1 cr.) Laboratory exercises related to topics in ELE 447. (Lab. 3) Pre: credit or concurrent enrollment in ELE 447.
Power Electronics Design Laboratory
(3 crs.) Laboratory experience in designing cutting-edge power electronics systems. Principles of power converter modeling and design of converter controller. Demonstration of steady-state operation of converter stage and design of converter controller. (Lec. 2/Lab. 1) Pre: ELE 446 or by permission of instructor. Not for graduate credit.
Foundations of Robotics
(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (ELE), MCE, OCE 456. The course provides the theoretical background to formulate and address problems in robotics. Its objective is to give a basic understanding of robot kinematics, sensing, actuation, localization, control, and planning. (Lec. 3) Pre: PHY 204 and permission of instructor
Control Systems
(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (MCE 431), ELE 457. An introduction to feedback control systems. PID control, time/frequency response, stability and performance specifications, root locus, Bode plot, lead/lag compensator, state-space design, and applications to typical electro-mechanical systems. (Lec. 3) Pre: ((ELE 205 or ELE 208 or BME 207) and ELE 314) or MCE 366, or permission of instructor.
Digital Control Systems
(3 crs.) Analysis and design of digital control systems using state-space techniques. State feedback and observers. Laboratory includes computer simulation and hardware implementation of control laws for electromechanical systems. (Lec. 3) Pre: ((ELE 205 or 208 or BME 207) and (credit or concurrent enrollment in ELE 314) and ((ELE 338 and 339) or (BME 360 and 361)) and (credit or concurrent enrollment in ELE 459)) or permission of instructor.
Digital Control Systems Laboratory
(1 cr.) Laboratory exercises related to topics in ELE 458. (Lab. 3) Pre: credit or concurrent enrollment in 458.
Physiological Modeling and Control
(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (BME), ELE 461. Principles of physiological modeling and control of linear and nonlinear systems, stability analysis, root locus, Bode plots, linearization. (Lec 3) Pre: ELE 314, or permission of instructor. Not for graduate credit.
Mobile Computing
(3 crs.) Application of modern mobile computing platforms, user interface, software application development, hardware interface; view controllers; data interaction; application distribution. (Lec. 2, Lab. 3) Pre: basic course in C programming; basic course in microcomputers; at least junior standing; permission of instructor.
Capstone Design I
(3 crs.) Application of engineering skills; teams focus on the design and communication of solutions to problems with real-world constraints (may include aspects of other engineering disciplines). First of a two-course sequence. (Lec. 2, Lab. 3) Pre: (ELE 205 or 208) and ELE 313 and ((338 and 339) or 342) and ((at least a 2.0 (C) average in 212, 313, and 338)) and permission on instructor. Not for graduate credit. (D1)
Capstone Design II
(3 crs.) Application of engineering skills; teams focus on the design and communication of solutions to problems with real-world constraints (may include aspects of other engineering disciplines). Second of a two-course sequence. (Lec. 2, Lab. 3) Pre: (ELE 205 or 208) and 313 and ((338 and 339) or 342) and ((at least a 2.0 (C) average in 212, 313, and 338)) and permission of instructor. Not for graduate credit.
Special Problems
(1-4 crs.) Independent study of special engineering problems. Topic and number of credits determined in consultation with the instructor. Pre: permission of instructor. Not for graduate credit.
Special Problems
(1-4 crs.) Independent study of special engineering problems. Topic and number of credits determined in consultation with the instructor. Pre: permission of instructor. Not for graduate credit.
Special Problems
(1-4 crs.) Independent study of special engineering problems. Topic and number of credits determined in consultation with the instructor. Pre: permission of instructor. S/U credit. Not for graduate credit.
Project Planning and Management in Systems Engineering
(3 crs.) Cross-listed (ISE) ELE 500. Presents the tools and processes to help plan and manage real-world systems engineering projects including network planning, scheduling, analysis, synthesis; critical path method/PERT; computer-aided planning; and other contemporary tools. (Lec. 3) Pre: ISE 332 (432) or permission of instructor.
Linear Transform Analysis
(3 crs.) Transform analysis (including Fourier, Laplace, and z-transforms) of continuous- and discrete-time systems and signals. Properties of transforms, computational efficiency, and applications such as compact representations of video and sound. (Lec. 3) Pre: vectors, matrices, calculus with real and complex variables.
Nonlinear Control Systems
(3 crs.) Analysis of nonlinear systems: phase-plane analysis, Lyapunov theory, advanced stability theory, describing functions. Design of nonlinear control systems: feedback linearization, sliding control. (Lec. 3) Pre: ELE 503 or permission of instructor.
Linear Control Systems
(4 crs.) Cross-listed as (ELE), MCE 503. State-variable description of continuous-time and discrete-time systems, matrices and linear spaces, controllability and observability, pole-placement methods, observer theory and state reconstruction, MATLAB exercises for simulation and design. (Lec. 4) Pre: ELE 314 or MCE 366 or equivalent and MTH 215 or equivalent.
Optimal Control Theory
(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (ELE), MCE 504.Quadratic performance indices and optimal linear control, frequency response properties of optimal feedback regulators, state estimation, separation theorem, optimal control of nonlinear systems, Pontryagin's minimum principle. (Lec. 3) Pre: ELE 503.
Digital Signal Processing
(4 crs.) Review of z-transform, frequency response of LTI systems, digital filter structures, sampling theorem, spectral analysis, DFT and FFT algorithms, windows, periodogram, introduction to design of FIR and IIR filters. (Lec. 4) Pre: ELE 501 or permission of instructor.
Introduction to Random Processes
(4 crs.) Probability and random variables; random process characterizations and techniques. Useful models. Discrete and continuous systems with random inputs. Applications to detection, and filtering problems. (Lec. 4) Pre: MTH 451 or equivalent and knowledge of calculus, linear systems, and transform methods.
Communication Theory
(4 crs.) Communication theory for discrete and continuous channels. Optimum-receiver principles and signal design. Fundamentals of information theory. Channel models, modulation techniques, source encoding, error control coding, decoding algorithms. (Lec. 4) Pre: ELE 509.
Engineering Electromagnetics
(3 crs.) Review of electrostatics and magnetostatics. Maxwell's equations, wave propagation in dielectric and conducing media. Boundary phenomena. Radiation from simple structures. Relations between circuit and field theory. (Lec. 3)
Systems Simulation
(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (ISE), CSC 525, ELE 515. Simulation of random processes and systems. Continuous and discrete simulation models. Data structures and algorithms for simulation. Generation of random variates, design of simulation experiments for optimization and validation of models and results. Selected engineering applications. (Lec. 3) Pre: CSC 212 or ISE 325, ISE 333 (433) or ELE 509, or permission of instructor.
Cyber Physical System Security
(3 crs.) Fundamental constructions and emerging challenges unique to today's cyber-physical systems. Solutions from the perspectives of systems specification, system modeling, network programming, and formal verifications. (Lec. 3) Pre: ELE 205 or 208 or permission of instructor.
Fiber Optic Communication Systems
(3 crs.) Survey of important topics in optical communication devices and systems. The physical principles and operation of lasers, LEDs, fibers, and detectors are covered. (Lec. 3) Pre: ELE 423, 331, 401 or equivalent.
Current Topics in Lightwave Technology
(3 crs.) Current topics of importance in lightwave technology including coherent fiber optical communication systems, optical amplifiers, active and passive single-mode devices, infrared optical fibers. Material will be taken from recent literature. (Lec. 3) Pre: ELE 525 or equivalent.
Solid State Engineering I
(3 crs.) Review of quantum mechanics, crystal properties, energy-band theory, introduction to scattering, generation-recombination processes, Boltzmann's transport equation, semiconductor junctions, devices. (Lec. 3) Pre: ELE 331 or permission of instructor.
Solid State Engineering II
(3 crs.) Properties of insulators, semiconductors, conductors and superconductors from quantum mechanical principles. Semiconductor physics and band theory of solids as applied to current semiconductor and optoelectronic devices. (Lec. 3) Pre: ELE 531 or equivalent.
MOS Devices
(3 crs.) Device physics and computer modeling of MOS devices, capacitors, metal semiconductor contacts, PMOS, NMOS, and DMOS transistors, short channel effects, modeling, small signal equivalent circuits. (Lec. 3) Pre: ELE 331 or permission of instructor.
Digital Integrated Circuit Design II
(4 crs.) Device physics for CMOS technology, design techniques for static and dynamic logic families and arithmetic elements, design capture tools, synthesis strategies, scaling and next generation CMOS technologies, design project. (Lec. 3, Lab. 3) Pre: ELE 447 and 501.
Analog Integrated Circuit Design
(4 crs.) IC processing, device modeling and simulation, building blocks for analog circuits, amplifiers, continuous and discrete-time filters, band-gap references, Nyquist-rate converters, oversampled converters, design project. (Lec. 3, Lab. 3) Pre: ELE 447 and 501.
Fault-Tolerant Computing
(3 crs.) Fault and error modeling, reliability modeling and evaluation, fault-tolerant computer systems, digital and mixed analog/digital VLSI testing, concurrent error detection, and design for VLSI yield enhancement. (Lec. 3) Pre: ELE 405 or equivalent or permission of instructor.
Computer Networks
(4 crs.) Cross-listed as (ELE 543), CSC 519.Computer network architectures, data link control and access protocols for LANs, internet protocols and applications, software and hardware issues in computer communication, delay analysis, and current research in computer networking. (Lec. 4) Pre: ELE 437 or equivalent or CSC 412 or equivalent.
Arithmetic Algorithms and Hardware Designs
(4 crs.) Hardware algorithms and implementations of fixed and floating-point adders, multipliers, and dividers. Error and time complexity analysis. Applications to DSP algorithms. Circuit design in VHDL and prototype with FPGA. Pre: ELE 301 or equivalent or permission of instructor.
Advanced Digital Circuits and Systems
(4 crs.) Advanced topics in Boolean algebra and digital designs. Arithmetic circuits, low-power designs, cryptography, communications, concurrent error detection/correction, SoC, and quantum computing. Project in design and implementation of complex digital systems. (Lec. 3, Proj. 3) Pre: ELE 301 or equivalent or permission of instructor.
Design of Computer-Based Instrumentation
(3 crs.) Design of memory systems, input-output techniques, direct memory access controllers, instrument buses, video displays, multiprocessors-coprocessors, real-time operations, device handler integration into high-level language and mass storage. (Lec. 2, Lab. 3) Pre: ELE 205, 314, and concurrent enrollment in 405.
Embedded Computer Systems and Applications
(4 crs.) Principles of embedded computer system designs; CPU, memory, I/O, interfacing of embedded computers; modern hardware/software tools for embedded computing, and design of advanced systems including wired/wireless networking, image acquisition/processing, controls, medical equipment, or consumer electronics. (Lec. 3, Lab. 3)
Computer Architecture
(4 crs.) Classification and taxonomy of computer architectures. RISC vs. CISC. Cache and virtual memory systems. Pipeline and vector processors. Multi-processor and multi-computer systems. Interprocessor communication networks. Dataflow machines. Parallel processing languages. (Lec. 4) Pre: ELE 305 or equivalent or permission of instructor.
Computer System Modeling
(4 crs.) Fundamental understanding of computer systems with limited resources: data centers, fog computing and networks, Internet-of-Things (IoT), etc. Analytical methods to predict the system performance. Queuing theory, scheduling, and load balancing. (Lec. 4) Pre: ELE 509 or MTH 451 or permission of instructor.
Ocean Systems Engineering
(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (OCE), ELE 550. Introduction to the design of systems for use in the ocean environment with emphasis on interaction of various subsystem disciplines to achieve total system performance characteristics. Introduction to detection, localization, classification and time measurement strategies including Global Positioning system, underwater Acoustics Positioning and control, wireless acoustic and electromagnetic communication, and remote time transfer. Examples will include mobile, fixed, autonomous, distributed and networked sensors. Pre: MTH 451 or equivalent.
Probabilistic Robotics
(3 crs.) This course is designed to provide fundamental and applied knowledge on methods for online estimation, localization, mapping and SLAM in systems, with particular focus on practical application in robotics. (Accelerated Online Program) Pre: Graduate standing; permission of instructor
Adaptive Control for Robotic Systems
(3 crs.) The course covers classical adaptive control theory, including Lyapunov stability, positive real functions, Kalman-Yakubovich lemma, persistent excitation, neural network approximation, and several nonlinear adaptive control techniques. Applications will focus on industrial robot manipulators and autonomous mobile robots. (Accelerated Online Program) Pre: Graduate standing; permission of instructor
Cyber-Physical Security Fundamentals
(3 crs.) This course is designed to provide fundamental and applied knowledge for cyber security of cyber-physical systems, such as power grid environments. (Accelerated Online Program) Pre: Graduate standing; permission of instructor
Physiological Modeling and Control
(3 crs.) Principles of physiological modeling and control of linear and nonlinear systems, stability analysis, root locus, Bode plots, linearization. Not for undergraduate credit. Not open to students who have credit in ELE 461 or BME 461. Pre: graduate standing in electrical engineering or permission of instructor.
Biomedical Instrumentation Design
(3 crs.) Fundamentals of biomedical instrumentation, biocompatibility, medical device materials; safety, noise rejection, biomedical signal processing; measuring, recording, monitoring, and therapeutic devices. Not for undergraduate credit. Not open to students who have credit in ELE 489 or BME 461. (Lec. 3) Pre: graduate standing in electrical engineering or permission of instructor.
Biomedical Instrumentation Laboratory
(1 cr.) Development of a portable heart function monitor that measures the electrocardiogram and photoplethysmogram; Embedded system design using instrumentation amplifier, op-amp, graphic LCD module, and PIC microprocessor with C programming. Not for undergraduate credit. Not open to students who have credit in 489 or BME 463. (Lab. 3) Pre: BME 462 or ELE 489 and graduate standing in electrical engineering or permission of instructor.
Medical Imaging
(3 crs.) Engineering and clinical applications of medical imaging systems including X-ray, computed tomography, radioisotope imaging, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging; picture archiving and communications system and medical image processing. Term paper required. May not be taken by students who have credit in BME 464. (Lec. 3) Pre: Senior standing in electrical or computer engineering or permission of instructor.
Medical Image Processing Laboratory
(1 cr.) Development of medical image processing algorithms with graphical user interface in C++ under the Windows operating system: smoothing and sharpening filters, morphological filters, area measurement and edge tracer. Projects involving advanced algorithms. May not be taken by students who have credit in BME 465. (Lab. 3) Pre: Senior standing in biomedical engineering or permission of instructor.
Medical Instrumentation
(3 crs.) This course is designed to provide fundamental and applied knowledge on medical sensors and electronics, with particular focus on practical application in medical instrumentation. (Accelerated Online Program) Pre: Graduate standing or permission of instructor
Neural Engineering
(3 crs.) Principles and technologies of neuroengineering and clinical applications; brain stimulator, spinal cord stimulation, functional electrical stimulation (FES), neural-machine interface for motor prosthesis control, artificial visual/auditory devices for augmented sensory perception. Pre: Graduate standing in Electrical Engineering or permission of instructor.
Computer Systems for Modern Cloud Computing
(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (ELE 569) ELE 469. Introduction to modern cloud computing with a focus on cloud software systems design principles. Emphasis on improving performance of cloud applications to design and implement key components of cloud systems. (Lec. 3) Pre: ELE 305 or CSC 411 or permission of instructor.
Wearable Internet-of-Things
(3 crs.) A tutorial-driven, project-based, hands-on course with carefully crafted practical tutorials on Internet of things and wearable technologies that allow students to learn programming, coding, circuit designs, and prototyping. (Accelerated Online Program) Pre: graduate standing; permission of instructor
Underwater Acoustics I
(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (OCE), ELE 571. Introduction to sound generation, transmission, and reception, including vibration of mechanical systems, acoustic waves in fluids, acoustic transducers and arrays, acoustic propagation in the ocean, and sonar systems. (Lec. 3)
Brain Signal Processing and Applications
(4 crs.) This course presents advanced techniques in brain signal processing including time-frequency analysis (e.g., wavelet), spatial filters (e.g., Laplacian filters), data reduction techniques (e.g., PCA), and machine learning algorithms (e.g., LDA). (Lec. 3, Rec. 1) Pre: {(MTH 243 or equivalent), MTH 451 or STA 409 or ISE 311 or equivalent), (ELE 314 or equivalent), and Matlab programming} or permission of instructor. Familiarity with topics in ELE 501, 506, and 509 is highly recommended
Brain Signal Processing and Applications
(3 crs.) This course presents novel interfaces between brain and computer devices, and covers different components of a BCI system including signal acquisition, signal preprocessing, feature extraction, and feature translation. (Accelerated Online Program) Pre: Graduate standing; permission of instructor. Familiarity with topics in digital signal processing and random process is highly recommended.
(3 crs.) As an interdisciplinary course, this course will cover tools and applications in the field of Neural Engineering and neuroscience with an emphasis on real-time corticomuscular-robot interaction/control applications. (Accelerated Online Program) Pre: Graduate standing; permission of instructor
Detection and Estimation Theory
(3 crs.) This course is designed to provide students with a robust foundation in signal detection and estimation theory, empowering them to extract valuable insights from data and select appropriate algorithms for diverse scenarios. (Accelerated Online Program) Pre: Graduate standing; permission of instructor
Special Topics in Artificial Intelligence
(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (CSC), ELE 581. Topics of specialized or current interest, which may change. Topics may include expert systems, natural language processing, neural network models, machine learning. AI applications in remote sensing. (Lec. 3) Pre: CSC 481 or permission of instructor. May be repeated with permission. In alternate years.
Computer Vision
(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (ELE), CSC 583.Algorithms used to extract information from two-dimensional images. Picture functions. Template matching. Region analysis. Contour following. Line and shape descriptsions. Perspective transformations. Three-dimensional reconstruction. Image sensors. Interfactin. applications. (Lec. 3) Pre: MTH 362 or equivalent.
Pattern Recognition
(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (ELE), STA 584. Random variables, vectors, transformations, hypothesis testing, and errors. Classifier design: linear, nonparametric, approximation procedures. Feature selection and extraction: dimensionality reduction, linear and nonlinear mappings, clustering, and unsupervised classification. (Lec. 3) Pre: ELE 509 or introductory probability and statistics, and knowledge of computer programming.
Applied Machine Learning
(3 crs.) Introducing the foundations and methods of machine learning for rapidly growing applications in engineering. Topics include neural networks, decision tree learning, ensemble learning, support vector machines, reinforcement learning, among others. (Lec. 3) Pre: ELE 509 or permission of instructor.
Special Problems
(1-3 crs.) Advanced work under supervision of a faulty member arranged to suit individual requirements of student. (Independent Study) Pre: graduate standing. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits.
Special Problems
(1-3 crs.) Advanced work under supervision of a faculty member arranged to suit individual requirements of student. (Independent Study) Pre: graduate standing. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits. S/U credit.
Special Topics in Electrical Engineering
(1-3 crs.) Intensive inquiry into a certain important field of current interest in electrical engineering. (Lec. 1-3) Pre: permission of instructor.
Non-Thesis Masters Project
(3 crs.) Culminating project for non-thesis Master of Science students in Electrical Engineering. Small scale engineering projects drawn from industrial and academic research and development environments. (Independent Study) Pre: Open to ELE non-thesis MS students in good standing after successfully completing 14 credits of ELE graduate courses. Permission of instructor. Not for undergraduate credit. S/U only.
Master's Thesis Research
(1-9 crs.) Number of credits is determined each semester in consultation with the major professor or program committee. (Independent Study) S/U credit.
Graduate Seminar
(1 cr.) Seminar discussions presented by faculty and outside speakers on topics of current research interest. (Seminar) S/U credit.
Graduate Seminar
(1 cr.) Student seminars including the presentation of research results and detailed literature surveys. May be repeated for a total of 2 credits. S/U credit. Pre: permission of instructor.
Applications of Information Theory
(3 crs.) Information theoretic underpinnings and practical techniques for data compression, channel coding for error control, and encryption and cryptography for secure information transmission. (Lec. 3) Pre: ELE 509 or permission of instructor.
Advanced Topics in Computer Architectures
(3 crs.) Modern high-performance computer structures, parallel and distributed hardwares and softwares, instruction level parallelism, memory hierarchy, fault tolerant computing, and future generation computers. (Lec. 3) Pre: ELE 548.
Estimation Theory
(3 crs.) Extraction of information from discrete and continuous data, best linear estimation, recursive estimation, optimal linear filtering, smoothing and prediction, nonlinear state and parameter estimation, design and evaluation of practical estimators. (Lec. 3) Pre: ELE 503 and 509.
Modulation and Detection
(3 crs.) Advanced treatment of modulation and detection theory. Minimum meansquare error, maximum likelihood, and maximum posterior probability estimators. Applications to communications systems and to radar and sonar systems. (Lec. 3) Pre: ELE 510.
Advanced Topics in Signal Processing
(3 crs.) Seminar for advanced students. Selected topics of current research interest. Material will be drawn primarily from recent literature. (Lec. 3) Pre: ELE 506 and 606.
Underwater Acoustics II
(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (OCE), ELE 672. Sound transmission in ocean, transducers, active signal design for range and Doppler resolution, ambient and platform noise, classical and wave vector-frequency methods of beamforming, adaptive beamforming, characteristics of targets, and active/passive sonar systems. (Lec. 3) Pre: OCE 571.
Statistical Sonar Signal Processing
(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (ELE), OCE 677. Basic results in probability and statistics, signal processing, and underwater acoustics are applied to the design of detection, estimation, and tracking in active sonar, passive sonar, and underwater acoustic communication. (Lec. 3) Pre: MTH 451 or ELE 509, ELE 506, and ELE 571 (or OCE 571), or equivalents. ELE 510 is useful and closely related, but not required.
Special Problems
(1-3 crs.) Advanced work under supervision of a faculty member arranged to suit individual requirements of a student. (Independent Study) Pre: permission of chairperson. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits. S/U credit.
Special Problems
(1-3 crs.) Advanced work under supervision of a faculty member arranged to suit individual requirements of a student. (Independent Study) Pre: permission of chairperson. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits. S/U credit.
Advanced Special Topics in Electrical Engineering
(1-3 crs.) Intensive inquiry into a certain important field of current interest in electrical engineering, requiring advanced sophistication of a 600-level course. (Lec. 1-3) Pre: permission of instructor.
Doctoral Dissertation Research
(1-12 crs.) Number of credits is determined each semester in consultation with the major professor or program committee. (Independent Study) S/U credit.