Yan (Lindsay) Sun

  • Professor and Department Chair
  • Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Engineering
  • Phone: 401.874.5803
  • Email: yansun@uri.edu
  • Office Location: Fascitelli Center for Advanced Engineering, Rm 409
  • Website
  • Google Scholar


Professor Yan (Lindsay) Sun, an IEEE Fellow, has been a faculty member at the University of Rhode Island (URI) since 2004, shortly after earning her Ph.D. in electrical and computer engineering from the University of Maryland. Dr. Sun’s research spans critical areas of cybersecurity, including cyber-physical systems security, power grid security, network security, and trustworthy social computing. She is the founding director of the Center for Cyber-Physical Intelligence and Security (CYPHER) at the University of Rhode Island (URI).

Dr. Sun has received many awards, including the NSF CAREER Award in 2007 for her work on trust management. She also received the Premium Award for Best Paper in IET Wireless Sensor Systems in 2018 and the EURASIP 2015 Best Paper Award, a society-wide award selected from all journals governed by the European Association for Signal Processing, for proven impact and excellence. She received Best Paper Awards at several IEEE conferences, including the IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting 2022, the IEEE International Conference on Communications 2014, and the IEEE International Conference on Social Computing 2010. In 2022, Dr. Sun was honored with the University of Maryland ECE Distinguished Alumni Award and the URI College of Engineering Outstanding Faculty Research Award.

Beyond her academic and research achievements, Professor Yan (Lindsay) Sun has made significant contributions to the cybersecurity field and community service. She served on Congressman Langevin’s Cybersecurity Advisory Board, was a school committee member for East Greenwich, and was a member of the Wakefield Rotary Club. In 2015, Providence Business News recognized her as a 40 Under 40 honoree.


  • Cyber-Physical Systems Security
  • Power Grid Security
  • Network Security
  • Trustworthy Social Computing
  • Trust Modeling and Management


  • Ph.D., Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, 2004
  • M.S., Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, 2003
  • B.S., Electronics. Peking University, Bejing, China, 1998

Selected Publications

Zhenhua Wang, He Jiang, Haibo He, and Yan (Lindsay) Sun, “Distributed Finite-Time Economic Dispatch for Islanded Microgrids”, 2020 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM) Aug 3-6, 2020 (Best Paper Award)

E. Zonouz, L. Xing, V. M. Vokkarane, and Y. Sun “Hybrid wireless sensor networks: a reliability, cost and energy-aware approach.” IET Wireless Sensor Systems vol. 6, no. 2, pp 42-48, April 2016.

2018 Premium Award for Best Paper in IET Wireless Sensor Systems, Premium Awards are given by the IET to recognise the best research papers published during the last two years; Identified as a hot topic article in December 2020

Amari Zonouz, Liudong Xing, Vinod Vokkarane, Yan (Lindsay) Sun, “Reliability-Oriented Single-Path Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks”, IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol 14, No. 11, pp 4059-4068, June 2014.

(One of the 25 most downloaded Sensors Journal papers in the month of July 2014, and one of the 50 most downloaded Sensors Journal papers in the months of October, November and December 2014, certified by IEEE Sensors Council)

Yihai Zhu, Jun Yan, Yufei Yang, Yan (Lindsay) Sun, and Haibo He, “The Sequential Attack against Power Grid Networks”, in Proc. 2014 IEEE International Conference onCommunications (ICC), Sydney, Australia, June 2014 (Best Paper Award)

Jun Yan, Yihai Zhu, Haibo He, and Yan (Lindsay) Sun “Multi-contingency Cascading Analysis of Smart Grid based on Self-organizing Map”, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics &Security, Vol 8, No. 4, pp 646-656, April 2013.

IEEE TIFS Cover Page highlighted paper & IEEE Communications Society Best Readings on Communications and Information Systems Security.) Yuhong Liu and Yan Lindsay Sun, “Anomaly Detection in Feedback-based Reputation Systems through Temporal and Correlation Analysis”, in Proc. IEEE International Conference on SocialComputing (SocialCom2010, acceptance rate 11%), August 2010.

Best Paper Award Wenkai Wang, Husheng Li, Yan (Lindsay) Sun, and Zhu Han, “Securing Collaborative Spectrum Sensing against Untrustworthy Secondary Users in Cognitive Radio Networks”, EURASIPJournal on Advances in Signal Processing, vol. 2010, Article ID 695750, November 22 2009 (EURASIP 2015 Best Paper Award.)

Society-wide award, selected from all journals govern by The European Association for Signal Processing, for proven impact and excellence.)

Selected Grants

    03/2024, PI, Office of Naval Research (ONR), "Advancing Research on Cyber-Physical Security and Resilience: A Multifaceted Approach."
    08/2020, PI, Office of Naval Research (ONR), “Network Cyber-Physical Security and Resiliency.”
    07/2018, Co-PI, Office of Naval Research (ONR), “Toward a Reliable and Resilient Smart Grid: From Early Warning Detection to Grid Behavior Analysis”.


  • Sun, Y., Silver, B., Wang, T., Inventors: Rhode Island Board of Education, Assignee. Time-Varying Magnetic Field Therapy Using Multistable Latching Mechanisms US Patent 10,639,494 May 5, 2020

Honors and Awards

  • Distinguished Alumni Award, The Department of ECE, University of Maryland, 2022
  • Outstanding Faculty Research Award, URI College of Engineering, 2022
  • Best paper award, IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, for the paper entitled “Distributed Finite-Time Economic Dispatch for Islanded Microgrids”, 2020.
  • IEEE Fellow, 2019
  • 2018 Premium Award for Best Paper in IET Wireless Sensor Systems, for the paper entitled "Hybrid wireless sensor networks: a reliability, cost and energy-aware approach”. Premium Awards are given by the IET to recognize the best research papers published during the last two years.
  • 40 Under 40, Providence Business New, 2015. This is a recognition to 40 accomplished professionals who are under the age of 40.
  • EURASIP 2015 Best Paper Award, for the paper entitled “Securing Collaborative Spectrum Sensing against Untrustworthy Secondary Users in Cognitive Radio Networks”. This is a society-wide award, selected from all journals govern by The European Association for Signal Processing, for proven impact and excellence.
  • Best Paper Award, for the paper entitled “The Sequential Attack against Power Grid Networks”, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2014
  • Best Paper Award, for the paper entitled “Anomaly Detection in Feedback-based Reputation Systems through Temporal and Correlation Analysis”, IEEE International Conference on Social Computing (SocialCom) 2010.
  • NSF Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award, February 2007.

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