Environmental and Natural Resource Economics Ph.D.
Course descriptions
Introduction to Resource Economics
(3 crs.) Application of microeconomic principles to selected resource problem areas. The market mechanism and its alternatives are examined as methods of resolving contemporary resource use problems. (Lec. 3/Online) (A2)
Introduction to the Blue Economy
(3 crs.) This course explores ocean-based economic activities, their role in the global economy, and tradeoffs. Students will learn tools to measure key tradeoffs and synergies, and explore strategies towards sustainable development. (Lec. 3)
Environmental Economics and Policy
(3 crs.) Economic approaches for understanding the causes and solutions to environmental problems. Design global and local policies to protect our natural environment for a more sustainable world. (Lec. 3) Pre: EEC 105.
Introduction to Water Resources
(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (GEO), NRS, EEC 234. Introduction to science and policy related to managing fresh water resources, fundamentals of hydrologic processes, importance of water to human society, environmental impact of water use, global water issues. (Lec. 3) (A1) (GC)
Economics of Natural Resource Management and Policy
(3 crs.) Explores economic approaches to natural resource management, and policies for sustainable management of fisheries, forests, water, and minerals. (Lec. 3) Pre: EEC 105 or ECN 201.
Shipping and Ports
(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (MAF), EEC 320. An introduction to the economics of waterborne movement of cargo (shipping and port operations, markets and innovations in maritime transportation systems, and the interplay of the operators, shipping, and ports) (Lec. 3) Pre: MAF 100 or EEC 105 or permission of the instructor.
Sustainable Development, Trade, and the Environment
(3 crs.) To understand the relationship between economic development, international trade and the environment. Topics include sustainable development, trade policies and the environment, climate change and development, and institutions for managing the commons. (Lec. 3) Pre: EEC 105 or ECN 201 or permission of instructor. (C2) (B4) (GC)
Sustainable Energy Economics and Policy
(3 crs.) Energy production, consumption, and environmental impacts. Energy markets, policy, and the transition from a fossil fuel-based energy economy to an economy based on sustainable energy and renewable energy sources. (Lec. 3) Pre: EEC 105 or ECN 201 or permission of instructor. (A2) (GC)
Economics of Small-Scale Renewable Energy Systems
(3 crs.) Provides tools to evaluate opportunities and challenges in the transformation from fossil fuels to renewable energy at the scale of individual buildings and other small scale energy systems. (Lec. 3) Pre: EEC 105 or ECN 201 or permission of instructor. (A2) (GC)
The Economics of Climate Change
(3 crs.) Assessment of the economic and policy issues associated with climate change, including the causes of climate change, the economic and social effects, and alternative policy options to reduce carbon emissions. (Lec. 3) Pre: EEC 105 or ECN 201, or permission of instructor. (B3) (B4)
Water Resource Economics
(3 crs.) This course will analyze the economics of valuation, management, and distribution of water resources using economic theory and case studies to evaluate water policies and their effect on society. (Lec. 3) Pre: EEC 105 or ECN 201 or permission of instructor.
Environmental and Resource Economics and Policy
(3 crs.) Economic analysis of policies that address environmental and natural resource problems using problem-based learning. Topics include pollution control, economic incentives and resource use, focusing on data analysis and communication skills. (Lec. 3) Pre: EEC 205 or ECN 201. (D1) (B4)
Benefit-Cost Analysis
(3 crs.) Basic concepts in benefit-cost analysis. Measurement, comparison of benefits and costs over time, and criteria for evaluation of projects and public policies. Problems and case studies in evaluation of current natural resources issues. (Lec. 3) Pre: EEC 105 or permission of instructor.
Experimental Economics
(3 crs.) Cross-listed (EEC), ECN, MKT 450. This course provides an introduction to the methods and practice of experimental economics and behavioral economics with a focus on the environment. Students will learn the fundamentals of behavioral and experimental economics and important findings from experiments. (Lec. 3) Pre: EEC 105 or ECN 201 or permission of instructor. Not for graduate credit.
Special Projects
(1-3 crs.) Workshop for advanced students where individuals or small groups are assigned projects requiring the analysis of natural resource and allocation problems with particular emphasis on marine resources. (Independent Study) Pre: permission of chairperson.
Special Projects
(1-3 crs.) Workshop for advanced students where individuals or small groups are assigned projects requiring the analysis of natural resource and allocation problems with particular emphasis on marine resources. (Independent Study) Pre: permission of chairperson.
Internship in Environmental Economics
(1-3 crs.) Supervised work experience in environmental and natural resource economics or related areas with a governmental agency, nongovernmental organization, or in the private sector. (Practicum) Pre: EEC 105. Can be repeated for up 9 credits. Not for graduate credit.
Graduate Seminar In Natural Resource Economics
(1 cr.) Presentation of research and discussion of current issues and methodologies in environmental and natural resource economics. (Seminar) Enrollment is required of all full-time graduate students in residence; exceptions made with permission from chairperson. No more than one credit may be taken for program credit. S/U credit.
Research Methodology in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
(3 crs.) Practice and methods of applied research in environmental and natural resource economics. Topics include philosophical foundations, research project design, reporting research results, and criticism of proposals and research papers. (Lec. 3) Pre: EEC 528 and 576 or permission of instructor.
Economics of Marine Resources
(3 crs.) Role of economics in management of estuarine and marine resources. Particular attention to resource valuation, environmental issues, and management of renewable and nonrenewable resources. (Lec. 3) Not for graduate credit in resource economics.
Mathematics for Economists
(2 or 4 crs.) Introduction to mathematical methods in economics and business. Economic applications of constrained and unconstrained optimization, matrix algebra, primal and dual functions, eigen roots, with illustrations from economics, finance, and environmental and natural resource economics. (Lec. 2 or 4) Pre: ECN 328 and MTH 131 or equivalent or permission of instructor.
Computer Intensive Methods In Applied Economics
(4 crs.) Use of selected software packages to analyze topics and numerical problems in applied economics, including Stata/R, spreadsheets, and Matlab, based on statistical methods such as causal inference, big data and machine learning techniques. (Lec. 4/Online) Pre: Graduate standing or by permission of instructor.
Macroeconomic Theory
(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (EEC), ECN 527. Static and dynamic models of aggregate economic behavior developed and analyzed. (Lec. 3) Pre: ECN 327 and 375 or equivalent, or permission of instructor.
Microeconomic Theory
(4 crs.) Cross-listed as (EEC), ECN 528. Analytic tools of optimization. Neoclassical price and production theory. Neoclassical theory of consumer and producer behavior, price and distribution, partial and general equilibrium and welfare economics. (Lec. 4) Pre: ECN 328 and 375 or equivalent and concurrent registration in EEC 518, or permission of instructor.
Game Theory
(3 crs.) Analysis of situations of conflict and cooperation, with economics and business applications. Introduction to cooperative and noncooperative games, including the extensive and strategic forms, Nash equilibrium, repeated games and bargaining. (Lec. 3) Pre: EEC 528 or permission of instructor.
Land Resource Economics
(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (CPL 537), EEC 532. The study of economic relationships of human and scarce natural and human-made resources. Supply and demand, rent theory, resources conservation, and the impact of public policy and law. (Lec. 3)
Economics of Natural Resources
(4 crs.) Microeconomic theory applied to problems of natural resource allocation. The rationale for government intervention in the market's provision of natural resources and alternative techniques for optimally allocated natural resources are investigated. (Lec. 4) Pre: EEC 528 or permission of instructor.
Environmental Economics
(3 crs.) Theory of externalities; incentive-based and regulatory policy instruments for addressing market failure; theory and methods for valuing natural resource and environmental services; other environmental topics. (Lec. 3) Pre: EEC 528 or equivalent.
Economic Structure of the Fishing Industry
(3 crs.) Analysis of fishing industries from the standpoint of activity and efficiency. Problems related to common property resources, government policy, labor, and legal and institutional factors. (Lec. 3) Pre: 514 or permission of instructor. In alternate years.
(4 crs.) Cross-listed as (EEC), ECN576, STA576. Application of statistics and mathematics to economic analysis. Implication of assumption required by statistical methods for testing economic hypotheses. Current econometric methods examined and discussed. (Lec. 3, Lab. 2/Online) Pre: STA409 or equivalent, or permission of instructor.
Special Projects
(1-3 crs.) Advanced work under supervision arranged to suit the individual requirement of the student. (Independent Study) Pre: permission of chairperson.
Special Projects
(1-3 crs.) Advanced work under supervision arranged to suit the individual requirement of the student. (Independent Study) Pre: permission of chairperson.
Environment and Development Economics
(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (EEC), MAF, PSC, SOC 595. Application of economic principles and research methods to understand the economics of environmental and natural resource management and poverty alleviation. (Lec. 3) Pre: EEC 528 or permission of instructor.
Master's Nonthesis Research
(1-3 crs.) Credit for completion of major paper. (Independent Study) Pre: enrollment in nonthesis master's program in resource economics.
Master's Thesis Research
(1-6 crs.) Number of credits is determined each semester in consultation with the major professor or program committee. (Independent Study) S/U credit.
Research Methodology
(1 cr.) Practice and methods of research in environmental and natural resource economics. Philosophical foundations, competing views on methodology, project design, execution and communication of results to different audiences. (Lec. 1) Pre: EEC 528 and 576 and concurrent registration in 502. In alternate years.
Advanced Studies
(1-3 crs.) Advanced topics in resource economics. Mathematical models in resource management. (Independent Study) May be repeated with different topics.
Dynamic Economic Models
(3 crs.) Fundamentals of dynamic economic theory. Dynamic optimization techniques applied to environmental and natural resource economics. (Lec. 3) Pre: EEC 528 or permission of instructor.
Advanced Microeconomic Theory I
(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (EEC), ECN 628. Neoclassical value and distribution theory. Theories of imperfect competition, general equilibrium theory, and dynamic analysis. (Lec. 3) Pre: EEC 528 or permission of instructor.
Advanced Microeconomic Theory II
(3 crs.) Development and application of welfare theory to natural resource use. Welfare concepts such as consumer surplus, producer surplus, and marginal cost pricing in policy decisions for agriculture and natural resources. (Lec. 3) Pre: EEC 628 or permission of instructor. In alternate years.
Advanced Economics of Natural and Environmental Resources
(4 crs.) Concepts of economic efficiency applied to natural resources with emphasis on intertemporal allocation of nonrenewable and renewable resources. Application of welfare and institutional economics to resource management and development; analysis of optimum allocation among users. (Lec. 4) Pre: EEC 534 and 624 or permission of instructor.
Marine Resources Policy
(3 crs.) Analysis of public policy problems relating to estuarine and marine resources, including natural resource damage assessment, environmental issues, coastal zone concerns, and other selected topics. (Lec. 3) Pre: EEC 534. In alternate years.
Advanced Econometrics
(4 crs.) Cross-listed as (EEC), ECN676. A course covering the tools necessary for professional research in environmental and resource economics. Focus is causal inference, and is applicable to many fields of study. Assumes a knowledge of introductory econometrics, statistical theory, and statistical programming. (Lec. 4/Online) Pre: EEC576 or its equivalent.
Econometric Applications in Resource Economics
(3 crs.) Special topics in econometrics as applied to agriculture and natural resources. Topics include time series models. Bayesian analysis and dichotomous dependent variables. (Lec. 3) Pre: EEC 676. In alternate years.
Doctoral Dissertation Research
(1-12 crs.) Number of credits is determined each semester in consultation with the major professor or program committee. (Independent Study) S/U credit.