About the Office of Equal Opportunity


About the Office of Equal Opportunity Team

Welcome to the Office of Equal Opportunity website. Established in 2022, the Office of Equal Opportunity is responsible for administering the University’s civil rights compliance programs, with the ultimate goal of creating and maintaining a learning and working environment free from discrimination and harassment. 

Our commitment to civil rights compliance is evidenced by the following:

  1. Developing, implementing, supervising, and monitoring civil rights compliance programs;
  2. Investigating and monitoring complaints of discrimination and harassment in alignment with the applicable statutes under our scope and jurisdiction; 
  3. Providing training and counseling in matters related to equal opportunity and civil rights compliance;
  4. Regularly updating and completing the University’s affirmative action and equal opportunity compliance reports; and
  5. Introducing and upholding policies and procedures.

Promoting and achieving civil rights compliance requires the cooperation and participation of all University departments, offices, and personnel. To learn more about our scope and jurisdiction, please continue to review our website, or contact a member of our team by emailing equalopportunity-group@uri.edu.