URI Brand Visual Standards

The information below is a small excerpt from the URI Brand Visual Standards Guide. This document specifies exactly how the URI identity may be used. Anyone using the URI logo or tagline should familiarize themselves with The URI Brand Visual Standards Guide.

A brand is a promise you make with your customers, your employees, and your constituents about what it is you stand for, and what they value in you. It is a core truth that can never be forgotten and a core promise that can never be broken. Developing a brand is an ongoing process of telling your audience what makes you unique and more valuable than the alternatives.

The only two identifiers that may be used are the University of Rhode Island logo and the “THINK BIG WE DO” tagline containing the globe and seal brand mark. No other logos or marks may be introduced, as they will detract from or diminish the identity system.

Any exceptions to this rule must undergo the branding approval process. For more information, please contact the URI Publications Office: publications-group@uri.edu.

The URI Logo and Tag Line

Visit our self-service resources page for additional logos, art work, photography and templates, along with editorial and visual style guides.