Internships with Phi Beta Kappa

An internship at the Phi Beta Kappa Society provides firsthand experience with the work of a national non-profit society and the opportunity to promote a compelling mission, both through individual projects and in collaboration with multiple departments. The communications & program intern will work primarily with our Communications Manager and Member Engagement Manager and other program staff to conduct research and develop materials to join the national conversation on advancing the liberal arts and sciences and supporting the Society’s 293 chapters and 50 associations. The intern will have an opportunity to participate remotely in the day-to-day responsibilities of running a non-profit with a nationwide reach.

The positions will be paid a stipend of $4,200 total for 13 weeks of work.

Eligibility: First-year Undergraduate (Freshman), Second-year Undergraduate (Sophomore), Third-year Undergraduate (Junior), Fourth-year Undergraduate (Senior), Alum (undergraduate)
Minimum GPA:
Deadline month: December
Program Website