Hosting an International Scholar

DS-2019 Department Request

To obtain a DS-2019 form for a prospective student-intern, research scholar, and/or professor, the sponsoring department must provide the Office of International Students and Scholars (OISS) with all required documents on behalf of the principal and his/her dependents (if any). 

J-1 Professors and Research Scholars

Required Documents to submit to the OISS:


  1. Proof of English language proficiency (one of the examples below):
    • Documented Interview Conducted in person, by video conference or phone by the URI Sponsoring department Faculty on URI letterhead
    • Proof from a recent standardized English language test
    • MA, MS, PhD certificate from an American and/or other Anglophone institution overseas
  2. Professional/Academic Credentials (ex. Copy of the Curriculum Vitae)
  3. Proof of financial support or funding 
  4. Copy of the biographical passport page(s) of the applicant and dependents 
  5. DS-2019 Request Form 
  6. Deemed Export Compliance Verification Form 
  7. DS-2019 Issuance Processing Fee of $200 payment to our office 

**New applicants coming from abroad will need to coordinate all necessary software installation with their sponsoring departments and IT staff members upon arrival on campus.

After Submitting required documents to the OISS:


  1. When the Office of International Students & Scholars (OISS) receives all of the above information, it must be reviewed and approved by the Office of Research Integrity for Restricted Party Screening before the DS-2019 can be issued. For more information, visit the Office of Research Integrity.
  2. Once it is approved, OISS can generate the DS-2019 on behalf of a prospective scholar, professor, and/or intern
  3. Anticipate a longer than normal processing period

International J-1 Student Interns

Required Documents:

Note: Preparation of form DS-7002 by the OISS will require input from the URI sponsor Please complete the DS-7002 training internship/placement questionnaire required by USCIS. 

Student Interns Activity Requirements

  • Site of Activity is expected to be at the location of the sponsor and/or at another location where a contract exists between the sponsoring institution and the alternate site activity.
  • Sponsor must provide training and internship programs only in the occupational category or categories for which the requesting Department has been designated as sponsors
  • Must provide continuous on-site supervision and mentoring of interns by experienced and knowledgeable staff in the field of the internship
  • Ensure that interns obtain skills, knowledge, and competencies through structured and guided activities such as classroom training, seminars, rotation through several departments, on-the-job training, attendance at conferences, and similar learning activities, as appropriate in specific circumstances.

U.S. Export Control Regulations

U.S. Export control regulations required that foreign nationals and their affiliated institutions are screened against all required databases to comply with export control laws and regulations. The U.S. government export regulations restrict or prohibit U.S. individuals and companies from exporting or providing services of any kind to any party contained in U.S. government export denial, debarment, and blocked persons lists. These lists are updated on a regular basis.

Minimum Estimated Living Expenses

Basic Living Expenses
J-1 Principal: $1900/per month
J-2 Spouse: $600/per month
J-2 Child: $400/per month/per child
The estimated minimum support for the principal (J-1) and dependents (J-2) DOES NOT include the cost of transportation nor the cost of mandatory health insurance. Additional monthly amounts must be added to the minimum support level to cover the cost of health insurance for the principal (J-1) and the dependents (J-2). Due to the variability in cost of health insurance and transportation, we are not providing you with an amount.

Health Insurance Requirements

URI Sponsors must require that all research scholars, professors and interns (as well as their accompanying spouses and dependents) have insurance that covers them for sickness or accidents during the time of their exchange visitor program. In some instances, a J-1 sponsor may include coverage as part of sponsorship, without further charge to research scholar, professor and/or intern. In all cases, you will be required to select and purchase insurance coverage that is equal to the Affordable Care Act mandated by the U.S. government.

Exchange Visitor professors and research scholars must be prepared to show proof of insurance no later than 15 days from the day of arrival on campus. Government regulations stipulate that if, after that date an EV willfully fails to carry health insurance for him/her and their dependents, the program MUST be terminated by the Office of International Students & Scholars. A notification will be sent to both the EV and the URI sponsoring department. Program participants and their dependents are required to have medical insurance coverage with the following minimum benefits [22 CFR 62.14].

• Medical benefits of at least $100,000 per accident or illness
• Repatriation of remains in the amount of $25,000
• Expenses associated with the medical evacuation of the exchange visitor to his or her home country in the amount of $50,000
• A deductible not to exceed $500 per accident or illness.

Program regulations also discuss coverage through HMOs and self-insurance of the above requirements by federal, state or local government agencies, state colleges and universities, and public community colleges, if permitted by law. Refer to [22 CFR 62.14] for additional information.

Please Note:
If the research scholar, professor, or student intern will hold a University of Rhode Island appointment (full-time internal payroll position of 6 months or more), inquire with the sponsoring department whether or not they will be eligible for health insurance coverage paid by the University of Rhode Island.

Department of Homeland Security Mandatory Registration

  • J-1 student interns, research scholars, and professors must report to the Office of International Student Services within 30 days of their arrival in the U.S.
  • Interns are not permitted to register/enroll in URI courses.

We’re here to help

Office of International Students and Scholars
Office Hours:

Monday – Friday
8:30am – 4:30pm Eastern Time

International Center, 3rd FL
37 Lower College Road
Kingston, RI, 02881
Phone: 401.874.2395

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Facebook – URI Office of International Students & Scholars