Grad School News & Info – February 2020

– February 14, 2020 –

Upcoming Graduate School Deadlines:
  • Feb. 21– PhD students: IRB/IACUC submissions due to the Office of Research Integrity for Dec. 2020 graduation
  • Mar. 6 – Dissertation proposals due for Dec. 2020 graduation

Grad School Professional Development Events


FREE Data Science Workshops & Trainings:

On & Off CampusProfessional Development Opportunities:

GSO Campus:  Grad School Director of Professional Development will host Spring semester office hours on the GSO campus:  
  • 2-4 p.m., 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month, Pell Library, Quiet Room. Next session is Tues., Feb. 18!
  • Review of your CV, resume, cover letter, LinkedIn profile, discuss job search strategy.  Email Cara Mitnick to reserve a time, or stop in. 
Congratulations to these Grad Students on their New Jobs:
  • Danielle Perry, BES PhD Candidate, and an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship awardee on her new position as Climate Adaptation Ecologist at Mass Audubon.  We will miss Danielle as a SciWrite trained tutor in our Graduate Writing Center.  
  • Dara LoBuono, NFS PhD Candidate, on her tenure track Assistant Professor of Nutrition position at Rowan University.  Thank you Dara for your great presentation with fellow NFS PhD Candidate Amy Moore to graduate students on Time & Stress Management. 

Danielle Perry & Dara LoBuono