Everything revolves around effective communication—it’s how we exchange ideas, tell stories that matter, do business, and make peace.
Communication is the foundation of a world that works. And whether you see yourself in the world of multimedia journalism, corporate communications, film production, or digital and social media, the Harrington School will give you the knowledge, skills, and experiences you need to get there.
Ellie Sennhenn ’26 - Ellie Sennhenn, Journalism & Professional and Public Writing, class of 2026
Chairman of the Executive Advisory Council, Andrew Fleischer - Welcome the new Chairman of the Executive Advisory Council at the Harrington school!
Faculty Spotlight: Dan Hunt - Dan Hunt, chair of journalism and public relations, reflects on his time as a URI alum and his new role as faculty.
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10 Ranger Road
Kingston, RI 02881
p: 401.874.2110
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