Jeremiah Dyehouse

  • Associate Professor
  • Professional and Public Writing
  • Email:
  • Office Location: Roosevelt Hall, Rm 322


Jeremiah Dyehouse hails from Cincinnati, Ohio, where he attended the Walnut Hills High School. He currently lives in North Kingstown, Rhode Island, with his wife, two children, and a cat named Tony.


Jeremiah Dyehouse’s research focuses on theories of rhetoric and public writing, with a special emphasis on the contemporary implications of 20th century American Pragmatist philosophy. His in-progress book, “Materials Become Media: John Dewey and Public Writing (1886-1927)” recovers the significance to public writing theory of Dewey’s experiments in public writing inquiry in the first half of his career. Offering a new view of Dewey as a literacy theorist, this account retrieves the materialist lessons in community engagement, privacy, media, and ethics that Dewey’s works offer to contemporary inquirers.


  • Ph.D., Penn State University, 2004
  • M.A., Penn State University, 2000
  • B.A., Oberlin College, 1997

Selected Publications

Dyehouse, J. & Manke, K. (2017). The philosopher as parent: John Dewey’s observations of his children’s language development and the development of his thinking about communication. Education and Culture: The Journal of the John Dewey Society, 33(1), 18-34.

Dyehouse, J. (2014). Theory in the archives: Fred Newton Scott and John Dewey on writing the social organism. College English, 76(3), 252-272.

White-Farnham, J., Dyehouse, J., & Finer, B.S. (2012). Mapping tutorial interactions: A report on results and implications. Praxis: A Writing Center Journal 9(2), 1-11.

White-Farnham, J., Dyehouse, J., & Finer, B.S. (2011) Writing center sustainability through collaborative research. Academic Exchange Quarterly, 15(4). Awarded Editor’s Choice.

Dyehouse, J. (2011) ‘A textbook case revisited’: Visual rhetoric and series patterning in the American Museum of Natural History’s horse evolution displays. Technical Communication Quarterly, 20(3), 327-346.

Dyehouse, J., Pennell, M., & Shamoon, L. (2009). ‘Writing in electronic environments’: A concept and a course for the writing and rhetoric major. College Composition and Communication, 61(2), W330-W350.