Kevin McClure

  • Professor
  • Communication Studies, Sports Media
  • Phone: 401.874.4726
  • Email:
  • Office Location: Davis Hall, Rm 202


Dr. McClure joined the faculty in 1996. He teaches and/or has taught courses in propaganda, the ethics of persuasion, rhetorical theory and criticism, American public address, persuasion, public speaking and introduction to communication studies.


Dr. McClure’s scholarly activities focus on analyzing communicative events in order to account for the potential influence and impact that these events may have politically, socially, or culturally. More specifically, his research employs, develops, and extends critical rhetorical theories and methods in the analysis of communicative phenomena. His focus on communication’s role in human affairs intersects with such disciplines as philosophy, literary criticism, politics, history, sociology, psychology, film, poetry, music and religion.


  • Ph.D., The Pennsylvania State University, 1992
  • M.A., University of Maine, 1987
  • B.S., State University of New York at Brockport, 1982

Selected Publications

McClure, K. & Skwar, J. (2015). Toward A Dramatistic Ethics. Kenneth Burke Journal 11(1).

McClure, K. (2012). Media Coverage of Natural Disasters: Pentadic Cartography and the Case of the 1993 Great Flood of the Mississippi. Kenneth Burke Journal, 8(1).

McClure, K. (2011). The Rhetoric of Disaster: The Presidential Natural Disaster Address as an Emergent Genre. Relevant Rhetoric: A New Journal of Rhetorical Studies, 2, 1-16.

McClure, K. & Cabral, K. (2009). Clarifying Ambiguity and the Undecidable: A Comparison in Burkean and Derridian Thought. Qualitative Research Reports in Communication, 10(1), 72-80.

McClure, K. (2009). Resurrecting the Narrative Paradigm: Identification and the Case of Young Earth Creationism. Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 39(2), 189-211.

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