Kristine Cabral

  • Associate Teaching Professor
  • Communication Studies
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Kristine is a graduate of the Communication Studies graduate program here at URI. Among her achievements at the University, Kristine received the Department Excellence Award,  Outstanding Graduate Student Award, Graduate Student Teaching Award, Excellence in General Education Award, authored several scholarly papers accepted to regional and national conferences, and collaborated with colleagues on a scholarly publication.

Her desire to study and teach in the area of communication was inspired by the realization that the study of communication is the study of our meaning-making process. The symbol system we call language is the tool we use to communicate; and through communication, we define, comprehend, manipulate, critique, complicate, limit, and oftentimes, confuse the human condition. Ultimately, it is the tool we use (and, paradoxically, that uses us) to form identity and structure human reality. If we desire to better understand ourselves and each other we must begin with the study of language.


Kristine’s interests lie in the area of postmodern thought, identity formation, critical studies in advertising, and nonviolent communication. Recent areas of study include attachment theory and how childhood trauma impacts communication style. She has authored papers on the social construction of personal identity and the ambiguity of language.

Kristine is also a certified level 3 trainer in Kingian Nonviolence Conflict Reconciliation. She integrates this training into her teaching. Dehumanizing language in the form of judgment, blame, diagnoses, and criticism erodes our ability to stay connected. Words used as weapons do not serve us. The pathway to peace and reconciliation begins with dialogue driven by compassion and understanding.


  • M.A., Communication Studies, University of Rhode Island, 2002
  • B.A., Communication Studies, University of Rhode Island, 2000

Selected Publications

McClure, K. & Cabral, K. (2009) Clarifying Ambiguity and the Undecidable: A Comparison in Burkean and Derridian Thought. Qualitative Research Reports in Communication, 10(1), 72-80.