Human Resource Administration

Leadership on all human resource-related issues

80 Lower College Road, Kingston, RI 02881

urihr@ucs.uri.edu401.874.2416 - 401.874.5741 (fax)

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Rhode Island Seal

Non-Classified Recruitment Process

Policy on Employee Recruitment, Selection, and Hiring

The URI Board of Trustees approved a Policy on Employee Recruitment, Selection, and Hiring  effective July 1, 2024.  

The University of Rhode Island hires employees to provide a wide range of services to meet its mission including teaching and research faculty, operational and administrative staff, and executive leadership. 

The Policy on Employee Recruitment, Selection, and Hiring provides the provisions for filling roles at the University of Rhode Island.

This new policy merges multiple hiring polices and practices administered by the Office of Human Resource Administration and is intended to be a comprehensive policy.

Procedures for the Policy on Employee Recruitment Selection and Hiring

The Procedures for the Policy on Employee Recruitment, Selection, and Hiring  (also, Procedures) establish a framework and communicate a process to guide talent acquisition activities to attract and hire outstanding talent while meeting institutional and civil rights compliance obligations.  

For efficiency, the Procedures should be referenced throughout the search process for guidance on next steps. 

The Policy and Procedures for Employee Recruitment, Selection, and Hiring  are the responsibility of the Office of Human Resource Administration and reside on the University Policies website.

Search committee members must have completed the required Employee Recruitment, Selection, and Hiring Training within two years prior to participating in a search.  The training is available in Brightspace and offered in-person as needed.  A list of URI employees who have completed the University Employee Recruitment, Selection, and Hiring training will be maintained in HR. 


Questions regarding the Employee Recruitment, Selection and Hiring Policy, Procedures, or Training should be directed to Robin Santini, Specialist, Talent Acquisition, Phone: 401.874.2456 Email:

Questions regarding PeopleAdmin access, Search Chair assistance with updating the status of applicant, or inquiries about the status of an application, contact Gail Henriques, Human Resource Technician, or401.874.4088


Forms Related to the Procedures

Employee Recruitment Strategy Form (required)

Applicant Evaluation Rubric  (required)

Interview Scoring Grid (optional)

Resources for Hiring Managers, Search Chairs, and Search Committees

Job Description Boiler Plate / Template

Tips for a Successful Interview Process

Civil Rights Compliance Toolkit for Employee Recruitment, Selection, and Hiring

Promotional Resources to Share with Applicants

Websites to Share with Applicants






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