Human Resource Administration

Leadership on all human resource-related issues

80 Lower College Road, Kingston, RI 02881

urihr@ucs.uri.edu401.874.2416 - 401.874.5741 (fax)

Think Big, We Do.
Rhode Island Seal

Advertising Policy




Policy #99-02

Effective Date: July 1, 1999 

Advertising for position vacancies must receive prior approval from the Affirmative Action Office (AAO), signified by approval of the Job Requisition Form.

The Job Requisition Form lists the duties, responsibilities and qualifications according to the position description. The advertisement for the position must include the qualifications section of the Job Requisition Form. Copies of any announcements or advertisements sent by the department must be on file in the AAO and have received prior approval from the Affirmative Action Office.

The AAO is available to assist in the development of recruitment efforts by providing general information on appropriate resources and special guidance for the recruitment of women and minorities. The search committee is ultimately responsible for seeking out appropriate professional organizations, e-mail lists, associations, etc., that specifically serve professionals with an emphasis on members of under-represented groups.

The following statement must be included in all advertisements:

“The University of Rhode Island is an AA/EEO employer and values diversity.”

Funding for personnel advertisement costs is as follows:

1. By State law, all advertising for auxiliary-funded positions must be charged to the appropriate auxiliary enterprise (i.e., Memorial Union, Dining, etc.).

2. For positions sponsored with restricted funds (grants, private money, etc.), the account supporting the position will be charged for advertising costs.

3. All Ledger 3 and overhead accounts must incur the advertising costs for their position searches.

4. Advertising for State funded (Ledger 2) positions will be budgeted in a central account. The Human Resources Office is responsible for administering this program. Expenditures for all costs incurred for the approved advertising plan will be charged to this central account. Charges for advertisements (which must receive approval of content and display) beyond the approved advertising plan will be the responsibility of the department budget. These advertisements will not be placed until an appropriate account number has been provided.

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