Human Resource Administration

Leadership on all human resource-related issues

80 Lower College Road, Kingston, RI 02881

urihr@ucs.uri.edu401.874.2416 - 401.874.5741 (fax)

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Rhode Island Seal

TIAA Retirement Choice Plus – 403(b) Elective Deferrals

Retirement investing is long term so consider participating in a tax-deferred plan:

  • Retirement Choice Plus allows you to reduce your taxable income and create additional savings for retirement. This plan is available to employees with either a 403(b) retirement plan. You only need to be eligible for benefits in order to participate. A minimum contribution of 1% of your salary is required. You may also contribute up to the maximum allowed by IRS law.


  • For more information on Retirement Choice Plus from TIAA, please contact Jerrica Men at (401) 874-2533.


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