Office of Human Resources

Leadership on all human resource-related issues

80 Lower College Road, Kingston, RI 02881

urihr@ucs.uri.edu401.874.2416 - 401.874.5741 (fax)

Think Big, We Do.
Rhode Island Seal

Date: December, 2013 (revised)



 To establish a policy with regard to employee benefits eligibility for temporary faculty


Temporary/Limited faculty and lecturers


A temporary faculty member is one who is replacing a permanent member of the faculty who is on authorized leave of absence. The appointment has a known starting date and ending date.

A limited period appointment to a faculty position is an assignment with a known starting and ending date, one time appointment, e.g., one semester or one year contract, not replacing a faculty member who is on leave.


1. It is the responsibility of the Dean, Department Chair, and the employee to be familiar with said policy.

 2. It is the responsibility of the Department Chair to submit appropriate paperwork to place the employee on the payroll and insure that appointment letters are in conformance with this policy.

 3. It is the responsibility of the employee to complete the appropriate forms for benefits, if applicable, in the Office of Human Resource Administration, Employee Benefits Section.


1. A temporary/limited faculty who is appointed for 20 hours or more and more than six months (calendar year) will receive  benefits, with applicable employee co-shares, and retirement if employee meets eligibility criteria.

2. A temporary/limited lecturer who is appointed for one semester is not eligible for employee benefits.

3. A temporary/limited lecturer who is appointed for the full academic year and chooses the bi-weekly 20 or 26 paycheck option will receive employee benefits, with applicable employee co-shares, and retirement if employee meets eligibility criteria.  Medical coverage ends sooner if the employee chooses the 20 paycheck option.

4. If an employee in a limited period faculty appointment is extended during his/her initial appointment, which was for less than six months, and this appointment then is extended to meet the six months, or more, the employee becomes eligible for employee benefits effective the date of the extension. The employee is responsible for completing the appropriate forms with the Office of Human Resource Administration, Employee Benefits Section.

5. An employee must be assigned a work schedule of 20 hours or more in order to be eligible for employee benefits.



After receiving appointment form (USP-2) the Office of Human Resource Administration will send a new hire packet to employee, which will include all the necessary benefit forms. Employee makes an appointment with the Office of Human Resource Administration including the Employee Benefits Section to complete and review all forms.

Completed benefit forms will be processed when the State Personnel Action form (CS-3) has been processed. If the CS-3 has already been processed, completed benefit forms will be processed as soon as possible.

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